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ID Status Summary
393 Fixed Port reference documentation to Asciidoc Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
392 Fixed Release binary variants for Groovy 2.3 and Groovy 2.4 Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
391 Fixed Suport running on JDK 8 Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.0
390 Invalid Integration with Unitils is broken Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
389 New Make spock.lang.Specification a Groovy trait Type-Enhancement Module-Core
388 New Test class initialization error with private static method. Type-Defect Module-Core
387 New Where block parameters should be able to reference each other Type-Enhancement Module-Core
386 New gradle testing plugin with spock Type-Defect Module-Core
385 Fixed Move OptimizeRunOrderSuite from spock-core to spock-maven to solve a problem with Android's test runner Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
384 New IllegalArgumentException when mocking java.io.PrintStream Type-Defect Module-Core
383 New pollingConditions.eventually can get an IllegalArgumentException Type-Defect Module-Core
382 Accepted Support @ExtensionAnnotation as meta-annotation Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.1
381 Fixed Release fast release often Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.0
380 New Description of unmatched invocations is blurry Type-Enhancement Module-Core
379 Fixed Release a groovy 2.3 version of spock-core Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.0
378 Duplicate MultipleCompilationErrorsException when assert fails for multi-string with backslash Type-Defect Module-Core
377 New Unmatched invocation description to include types Type-NewFeature Module-Core
376 New Special case type constraint to just _ (underscore) Type-NewFeature Module-Core
375 Accepted OutOfMemoryErrors in EditDistance.calculateMatrix() Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
374 New Interaction check takes precedence over exceptions Type-Defect Module-Core
373 New Multi-assignment statement in "setup" block does not compile Type-Defect Module-Core
372 New Move from Maven Central/Sonatype to jCenter (or other repo that uses HTTPS) Type-Defect Module-Core
371 Fixed Multiple Assignment in when: and anything in cleanup: Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
370 New Initialization in setupSpec for a @Shared field defined in trait is overridden Type-Defect Module-Core
369 New Spock and Slf4j combination causes compilation error Type-Defect Module-Core
368 New Document all the types of blocks supported eg. setup: when: where: then: Type-Enhancement Module-Core
367 Duplicate Compilation/transformation bug Type-Defect Module-Core
366 New Failing test passes because of NPE Type-Defect Module-Core
365 Duplicate spock-maven in central repository is not valid Type-Defect Module-Core
364 New ConfigurationHolder is being reset when using where block Type-Defect Module-Core
363 Duplicate Add support to run single test method in a class Type-Enhancement Module-Core
362 New Need to run single method inside a test. Type-Enhancement Module-Core
361 Accepted Spock version of @NotYetImplemented that treats a data-driven feature method as a logical whole Type-NewFeature Module-Core
360 New Groovy 'star-dot' '(*.) operator doesn't work on properties of Spock doubles Type-Defect Module-Core
359 New "IllegalArgumentException: ServletContext must not be null" when running integration tests in batch, but not individually Type-Defect Module-Core
358 Accepted Expectations on named parameters not wrapped with Map literal give compilation error Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
357 New Ability to create nested specs Type-NewFeature Module-Core
356 New Execute single iteration of a data driven feature Type-Enhancement Module-Core
355 WontFix Unable to define mock behavior and verify interactions in the same test Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
354 New BlockInfo does not support Constants Type-NewFeature Module-Core
353 New Mock invocation order is based on method return order, not invocation Type-Defect Module-Core
352 New Under eclipse,nothing got shown with outline view? Type-Defect Module-Core
351 New What happened to the @Title annotation? Type-Defect Module-Core
350 New Polling condition failure report. Type-Enhancement Module-Core
349 New @ContextConfiguration should be treated as meta-annotation Type-Enhancement Module-Core
348 New ]| Type-Defect Module-Core
347 Accepted http://meetspock.appspot.com: "Edit In Console Type-Defect Module-Core
346 WontFix http://meetspock.appspot.com: Mocking of non-interface not supported Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.0
345 New possible bug in grails using spock+controller handleException method Type-Defect Module-Core
344 New VerifyError Stack size too large Type-Defect Module-Core
343 New Cannot resolve symbol from where: section after instanceof Type-Defect Module-Core
342 New Creating a global mock for an abstract class fails with a java.lang.InstantiationError Type-Defect Module-Core
341 New Add 'New and Noteworthy' section to docs for 1.0-SNAPSHOT Type-Enhancement Module-Core
340 New spock.lag.Requires.class is missing from the spock-core-0.7-*.jar files Type-Defect Module-Core
339 New spock-maven 0.7-groovy-2.0 has SNAPSHOT version in maven/plugin.xml Type-Defect Module-Core
338 Fixed GC calls to finalize() on mocks cause strict interaction specifications (0 * _) to fail intermittently Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
337 WontFix Commas in arrays printed as \u002C on console Type-Defect Module-Core
336 Fixed test Type-Defect Module-Core
335 Duplicate Don't use ObjenesisHelper Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
334 WontFix Stepwise annotation should be configurable to continue execution in case of failure Type-Enhancement Module-Core
333 WontFix Support mocking final Java classes and stubbing static Java methods Type-NewFeature Module-Core
332 New Soft assertions Type-NewFeature Module-Core
331 New Report successfull test like BDD spec Type-NewFeature Module-Core
330 New Publish EmbeddedSpecification Type-Enhancement Module-Core
329 New Data-driven testing does not work with PowerMockito Type-Enhancement Module-Core
328 WontFix The Spock compiler plugin cannot execute because Spock 0.7.0-groovy-1.8 is not compatible with Groovy 2.0.7 Type-Defect Module-Core
327 New BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis'... object is not an instance of declaring class... Type-Defect Module-Grails
326 New InvokeDynamic causes safe-dereference operator to fail on null parameters Type-Defect Module-Core
325 Duplicate Multi-line asserts with // comments failing with syntax error Type-Defect Module-Core
324 Accepted with-block doesn't work for method conditions Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
323 New Global GroovyMock aren't cleaned Type-Defect Module-Core
322 New Allow extensions to access RunNotifier Type-NewFeature Module-Core
321 New Allow multiple where-blocks to enhance readability options Type-Enhancement Module-Core
320 Accepted Injecting a TestRule into a spock specification Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
319 New Support Spring's new ContextHierarchy Annotation Type-Enhancement Module-Core
318 WontFix Enable ability to run one test, or a select group of tests Type-NewFeature Module-Core Milestone-1.0
317 WontFix where block is being run before the setup() method, causing NullPointerException Type-Defect Module-Core
316 New groovy mocks are not truthy Type-Defect Module-Core
315 WontFix Class names in data variables cannot be used with "instanceof" operator Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
314 WontFix ruby style test double support Type-Enhancement Module-Core Milestone-1.0
313 New Smarter mock injection Type-Enhancement Module-Core
312 Duplicate Invalid plugin descriptor for org.spockframework:spock-maven:0.7-groovy-2.0/1.8 Type-Defect Module-Core
311 WontFix cannot use assignment operator in and or then block Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
310 New unable to run the test case for createCriteria() which uses creatAlias() and projections Type-Defect Module-Core
309 WontFix Spock gets confused if "when" test cases look similar. Type-Defect Module-Core
308 Accepted Mock() expressions in conditions are rendered incorrectly Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
307 Fixed Better generics support for mocks and stubs Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
306 Accepted Using objenesis prevents running tests from interactive prompt more than once Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.1
305 New Support creation of mocks outside the Spock context and allow to associate such a mock with a specification Type-NewFeature Module-Core
304 Duplicate Cleanup block made test crash when using multiple assignment Type-Defect Module-Core
303 Duplicate spock-maven 0.7-groovy-2.0 plugin descriptor contains invalid version Type-Defect Module-Core
302 Fixed Groovy mocks should allow to mock final classes/methods Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
301 Duplicate Stepwise does not work reliably with Java 7 Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-0.6
300 Duplicate org.spockframework.mock.CannotCreateMockException: Cannot create mock for class com.example.MyClassnull Type-Defect Module-Core
299 WontFix Spring MVC Testing in 3.2 version doesn't work with Spock Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
298 New thrown check doesn't handle checked exceptions with mocks Type-Defect Module-Core
297 Fixed Compilation error when using multi assignment Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0
296 Fixed spock-tapestry should support @javax.inject.Inject and @InjectService Type-Enhancement Module-Tapestry Milestone-1.0
295 Duplicate Defect release of spock-maven plugin Type-Defect Module-Maven Milestone-1.0
294 Fixed Problem with array arguments to mock methods Type-Defect Module-Core Milestone-1.0