
ID Status Summary
2649 Fixed Broken Link at Melange FAQ Page for Program Wiki
2648 Duplicate Not able to login
2647 WorksAsIntended Unable to remove mentor. ReportABug
2646 Acknowledged Text not properly escaped in final eval form for mentors ReportABug Type-Cleanup Component-UI Priority-High Milestone-GSoC Effort-Minimal
2645 WorksAsIntended Can't change role of an org admin to "no role" Priority-Low Milestone-FutureGSoC Program-GSoC Component-Logic
2644 Duplicate Mentor with no projects can't be removed ReportABug Milestone-FutureGSoC Program-GSoC Priority-Low Component-Logic
2643 New "Seen by Org" doesn't track the "Ignored" status bit ReportABug
2642 NotRepeatable Icons are not rendering ReportABug
2640 WorksAsIntended Melange should support prioritized proposals
2639 Invalid Out dated version of project Google Code In, needs a bug fix and updated version of software ReportABug
2638 Invalid im an old lady 68 years old. why am I on this?
2637 Acknowledged Bug when back button of the the browser is clicked. ReportABug Priority-Low JQGrid Component-UI Effort-Modest Skills-JS
2636 NeedInfo Mentor locked out of Melange
2635 Fixed Org admins shouldn't be able to change mentors on proposal page after acceptance date Type-Enhancement Usability Milestone-FutureGSoC Component-Logic
2634 Invalid Google play wont open or load ReportABug
2633 WorksAsIntended Assigning mentors on the proposal screen doesn't seem to take ReportABug
2632 Acknowledged After submitting student evaluation, it does not show as submitted
2631 Fixed Melange has me logged in as someone else
2630 Duplicate Dashboard displays "N/A" for "Submitted" and "Last Updated" immediately after filing mid-term review
2629 Invalid help me please ReportABug
2628 New GSOC Mainframe Enhancement
2627 New buildbot gitpoller needs some sort of timeout
2625 Fixed GSoC 2015 FAQ has a URL pointing to a direct page ReportABug
2624 WorksAsIntended Strange behavior of google-melange platform regarding submitted forms ReportABug
2622 Fixed Deletion of GSoC 2014 Proposal ReportABug
2621 Duplicate In the Projects page on the Main Dashboard of 'Melange' I am getting "Error retrieving data: please refresh the list or the whole page to try again"
2620 Duplicate Getting 403 on "Projects I am a mentor for" page ReportABug
2619 WorksAsIntended Cannot unignore mentor nor give them mentor role
2618 New use jqgrid features to color cells, instead of embedding HTML
2617 Duplicate use jqgrid features to color cells, instead of embedding HTML
2616 Duplicate Projects I Am Mentor For doesn't show any data
2615 FixPending Emails should be sent for manually accepted proposals Type-Enhancement Priority-High
2614 Fixed 'Projects I am a mentor for' throws up an error in Mentors Dashboard for legitimate projects Milestone-GSoC Priority-High Program-GSoC
2613 WorksAsIntended Public Proposal cannot be seen ReportABug
2612 NotRepeatable No mails received from Melange ReportABug
2611 Fixed CSV download link breaks on fields containing a single quote (')
2610 FixPending Accept/Reject notification emails contain 'None' in the body, no text Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-FutureGSoC
2609 New Proposal Comment
2608 Fixed Proposal with blank status field cannot be accepted
2607 WorksAsIntended 120-character proposal keys are unwieldy
2605 New Please add a "make connection AND send message" button
2604 New Commit Messages on Revision Control
2603 Duplicate There's no checkbox at the bottom of the mentor agreement page. ReportABug
2602 Fixed Entering second custom field value does not store
2601 WorksAsIntended View diff between versions of proposals
2600 New Email notification on student edits Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-FutureGSoC
2599 WorksAsIntended the deadline was 19:00:00, but i have tried 30 seconds before that, and the system was saying me that i am not able anymore to submit my proposal. so i very frustrated about that because i was in time to submit my proposal. ReportABug
2598 Duplicate I happened to have accidentally closed my browser while I was writing my proposal. And lost everything, so I had to rewrite. Maybe you should store the details in localStorage which persists data on closing browser? ReportABug
2597 Fixed Submitting a proposal with an invalid field both suceeds and fails. Type-Defect Priority-High Program-GSoC Milestone-FutureGSoC
2596 CantFix Missing GSoC Proposal ReportABug
2595 New Regex Search option does not persist GSoC proposal list page reloads
2594 WorksAsIntended this page is inactive before 2015-03-16 19:00:00 and after 2015-03-27 19:00:00. ReportABug
2593 Fixed Order of the revisions in the change history of a proposal ReportABug
2592 New unable to upload Enrollment form ReportABug
2591 Verified Entering second custom field value returns "Invalid data format"
2590 Invalid Unable to view images in Proposal submission box ReportABug
2589 Duplicate Not able to view any check box on 'Google Summer of Code 2015 Student Participant Agreement' ReportABug
2588 NeedInfo login produces 400 ReportABug
2587 Invalid ReportABug
2586 New Ability to make private comments public Milestone-FutureGSoC Type-Enhancement Program-GSoC Priority-Low
2585 WorksAsIntended Age validation incorrect ReportABug
2584 WorksAsIntended Cannot disconnect with organizations ReportABug
2583 Obviated can't open my dashboard ReportABug
2582 New Error: Bad Request on Login/Register ReportABug
2581 Fixed Unregister and re-register under different role
2580 Acknowledged Can't access my profile ReportABug Component-Logic Milestone-GSoC Priority-Medium Type-Defect
2579 Acknowledged Simplify proposal submission: Add submit button to the list of proposals in the Dashboard Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Milestone-FutureGSoC
2578 CantFix Provide feature to change the username
2577 Duplicate checkbox missing ReportABug
2576 Fixed Proposal page missing a clear:both Priority-High Component-UI Program-GSoC Type-Defect
2575 Fixed connection emails are missing fields
2574 Fixed Server error when trying to download a form for a student with no form Type-Defect Priority-Medium
2573 New Save student proposal drafts Type-Enhancement Milestone-FutureGSoC Component-Persistence Priority-Low
2572 Fixed can't convert falsenode to predicate Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-GSoC Effort-Trivial
2571 Duplicate Trouble About Registration (Invalid characters in drop down list) ReportABug
2570 NotRepeatable Empty Proposal Error ReportABug
2569 Duplicate You can see trouble on the picture i send you ReportABug
2568 WorksAsIntended Checkbox cannot be found at the bottom of Terms and Conditions ReportABug
2567 NotRepeatable Cannot upload Enrollment form ReportABug GSOCHotlist
2566 Fixed Invalid characters in the name of my Country (Drop Down List) ReportABug Priority-High Type-Defect Milestone-GSoC Program-GSoC GSOCHotlist Effort-Fair Component-Logic
2565 Invalid Can't see entire organizations ReportABug
2564 Verified Code sample is too large to download ReportABug Milestone-GSoC GSOCHotlist Program-GSoC Priority-High
2563 Fixed 2012 and 2013 code sample links go to error message ReportABug Type-Defect Milestone-GSoC Priority-High Component-Logic GSOCHotlist
2562 CantFix I am not able to modify my username in
2561 WorksAsIntended Unable to link previous GSOC mentor profile wth current Google account
2560 NotRepeatable 400 Bad Request when trying to log into Melange using Chrome ReportABug
2559 Fixed The current page number is not visible properly ReportABug Component-UI Priority-Medium GSOCHotlist
2558 NotRepeatable No way to change the email address ReportABug
2557 PatchReceived viewport size issues Priority-Low Component-UI Type-Defect
2556 Fixed Scheduling emails do not work for all keys Type-Defect Priority-High Effort-Minimal
2555 WorksAsIntended Failed, but accepted projects, do not appear in the listing
2554 WorksAsIntended delete my account
2553 WorksAsIntended can't agress to mentor agreement form via mobile ReportABug GSOCHotlist Priority-High
2551 Fixed (Report Bug) text is unreadable
2550 Fixed error on connections page? Program-GSoC Milestone-GSoC GSOCHotlist Priority-High Type-Defect Exception
2549 Fixed Drop-down lists too wide Type-Defect Priority-Low Component-UI
2548 NotRepeatable Emails about missing backup admin
2547 WorksAsIntended Backup administrator unassignable
2546 WorksAsIntended Fixing issue with Melange for back-up admins/user profiles for GSoC 2015
2545 WorksAsIntended Cannot edit profile for 2015, while can edit for 2013, 2014 ReportABug