
ID Status Summary
21 New Add License File Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 New Fixed variable call Type-Patch
19 New bug in CBC implementation of AES OpenSSL-256 encryption Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 New Patch for /trunk/php/aes_small.php Type-Patch
17 New IV problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 New trying to create a working output against known config Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 New There is a typo in error messages of strip_PKCS7_padding(): PCKS7 -> PKCS7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 New Python version: should be possible to supply IV instead of generating it randomly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 New error in base64 decoding Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 New Minor syntax errors in cryptoHelpers.js (effects non-browsers) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 New Test examples for PHP & JS Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 New __main__ example too short for block sequencing test Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 Fixed Unable to decrypt a message if the unencrypted text is not known Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 New I make for my self python 3 version with bytes and bytearrays used Type-Defect Priority-Medium
7 New Typo in cryptoHelpers.js:172 ( base64.decode() ) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
6 Fixed shouldn't need originalsize when decrypting Type-Defect Priority-Medium
5 Fixed Javascript AES-CBC: PKCS7 Padding broken for 16 bytes long blocks (and multiples) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
4 Assigned Implement PKCS7 padding Type-Task Priority-Medium Component-Scripts-JS
3 Fixed Implement PKCS7 padding Type-Task Priority-Medium Component-Scripts-Py
2 Assigned Arguments should be array of bytes Type-Task Priority-High Component-Scripts-JS
1 Invalid Arguments should be array of bytes Type-Task Priority-High Component-Scripts-Py