
ID Status Summary
46 New Fixing reduceMessages function bugs Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.0
45 New adding sounds to events Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
44 New Make the survey "popup" even if its came from pubnum history Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
43 Accepted messages not showing in IE10 Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.0
42 New add video chat Type-Feature Milestone-2.0 Priority-High
41 New make the senior UI look better Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
40 New make the who is online list work live Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
39 New add phone number to user entity Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-2.0
38 New make an image upload in the server side Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
37 New making the a normal UI for the survey sending form in Family mode Type-Feature Milestone-2.0
36 Fixed making the buttons ins senior mode act like "tabs" Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-2.0
35 New Creating a GUI for family mode Type-Feature Priority-High Milestone-2.0
34 New Regular mode chat should scroll up to see older messages Type-Feature Milestone-3.0
33 Accepted Change "loading" screen to start when chat is actually loading Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-3.0
32 WontFix Change messaging to use json Milestone-2.0 Type-Feature
30 New SMS Alerts Milestone-4.0
29 New voice recognition texting support for the elders Milestone-4.0 Type-Feature
28 New Voice chat Milestone-4.0 Type-Feature
27 New Synchronize the view of elder and family modes Milestone-3.0 Priority-High Type-Feature
26 New Bugs resolving and making ready for use Milestone-3.0 Priority-High
25 New Elder mode customization Milestone-3.0 Priority-Medium Type-Feature
24 New Photo Viewing (elder mode) Milestone-3.0 Priority-Medium Type-Feature
23 New Photo Managing Milestone-3.0 Priority-Medium Type-Feature
22 New Kiosk mode Milestone-3.0 Priority-High Type-Feature
21 New Family Mobile GUI Milestone-3.0 Priority-Low Type-Feature
20 New Flexible GUI (using Bootstrap) Milestone-2.0 Priority-Medium Type-Feature
19 New GUI improvement Milestone-3.0 Priority-Low Type-Feature
18 New Automatic Emergency Alerts & Connection Monitoring Milestone-3.0 Priority-Medium Type-Feature
17 New Manual Emergency Alerts Milestone-2.0 Priority-High Type-Feature
16 Fixed Bug in chat when switching controllers Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-2.0
15 Fixed Add Session support for login Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-2.0
13 Started Implement Survey-like communication Milestone-2.0 Priority-High Type-Feature
12 New Family/User mangment Milestone-2.0 Priority-High
11 Fixed Server side for user registration and authentication Milestone-1.0
10 Fixed Chat modes Milestone-1.0
9 Fixed Chat engine Milestone-1.0
8 Fixed Basic login & registration pages Milestone-1.0
7 Fixed DB Milestone-1.0
6 Fixed Home Screen Milestone-1.0
5 Fixed Build Angularjs infrastructure Milestone-1.0
4 Fixed Pubnub Integration (real-time messaging system) Milestone-1.0