
ID Status Summary
1563 New Eroor popup on deletion of empty folder.
1562 WontFix No option to get current searchbar query from command line
1561 New crashs everytime on opening - will work thereafter but no coverart displayed
1560 Moved Search crash
1559 Invalid Quodlibet crashes when trying to seek long m4a files
1558 Moved Add "comment" field to information window.
1557 Moved Moving away from google code
1556 Moved Add close escape accel for tagedit/info window Type-Enhancement
1555 Moved Allow opening multiple files
1554 Fixed Restrict treeview tooltips to one monitor Type-Enhancement
1553 Moved quodlibet jumps to the wrong song
1552 Duplicate Add check mark in the ratings submenu Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1551 Moved DnD is broken at startup until browser is changed for some setups Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1550 Moved OSX: .m4a files will not play Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1549 Moved Tab order in dialogs Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1548 Duplicate CLI interaction: play playlist Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1547 Moved Windows: Font size Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1546 Moved Running quodlibet breaks dead keys on Windows Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1545 Moved Crashed while refreshing library Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1544 Moved "Prefer embedded art" doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1543 Moved Integrate musicbrainz series info Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1542 Fixed Control commands timeout if QL gets mutliple ones Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1541 Fixed Menu accelerators sometimes reset to defaults during shutdown Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1540 Moved Add default accels for browsers/views Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1539 Moved QuodLibet causes high CPU load and GNOME shell freeze. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1538 Fixed Deleting songs throws a TypeError Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1537 Fixed --play-file automatically adds file to the library Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1536 Moved Internet Radio browser doesn't support PLS files with non-matching case Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1535 Fixed Problem Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1534 Moved Windows: audio pitch/speed plugin crashes Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1533 Invalid Split Multiple Tags Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1532 Fixed X hangs when remaining time display is on Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1531 Fixed ID3File.set_image() fails for files without id3 tag. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1530 Moved Waveform seekbar plugin Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1529 WontFix quodlibet sometimes fails to bind multimedia keys Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1528 Moved Replay Gain volume adjustment stops when switching to playlist view Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1527 Moved Add the context menu of the current song under "Control" in the menu bar Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1526 Fixed Scrollbars not hiding with gtk3.15 when leaving through a tooltip Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1525 Moved Library search error Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1524 Fixed Make build reproducible Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1523 Fixed SanDisk Sansa Clip+ in MSC mode is not detected as a media device Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1522 Fixed Ubuntu 12.04: tag editing broken in 3.3.1 Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1521 Fixed Windows: Support UNC paths Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1520 Fixed operon fill: error in case a tag doesn't match Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1519 Duplicate Error when editing songs. Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1518 Fixed qlscrobbler plugin broken Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1517 Fixed DnD images are broken for multiple rows with GDK_SCALE=2 Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1516 Moved Plugin to compute BPM Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1515 Fixed albumart plugin: exception when using from exfalso Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1514 Fixed UnicodeEncodeError in operon Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1513 Moved Playlists browser: add global playlist stats Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1512 Moved GStreamer: control sink volume directly Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1511 Fixed Windows: Quodlibet crashes when playing opus files Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1510 Moved Ratings import plugin Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1509 Fixed Test "written style" Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1508 Moved tests: rework "operon edit" tests Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1507 Fixed Delete confirmation dialog dies for playlists with ampersands in their name Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1506 Duplicate Randomize first song when playing playlist in shuffle mode Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1505 Fixed ALAC falsely reported as MPEG-4 AAC in column display Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1504 Fixed notify plugin: album art not working under e19 Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1503 Fixed Provide repo for debian stable Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1502 Moved Support reading RG when ID3 tag key is in uppercase Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1501 WontFix MD5 on exported Tag as .tags Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1500 CannotReproduce RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1499 CannotReproduce Program crashes trying to upload a library of music Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1498 Moved acoustic fingerprint lookup plugin - add album column Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1497 Moved add view (with scroll)for time of the media playing, remove hotkey Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1496 Fixed Queue play order wrong after moving song Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1495 Fixed Toggling Show programmatic tags in tag editor changes window title Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1494 Fixed AssertionError when trying to edit tags of some radio streams Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1493 Moved Enable MPRIS plugin by default if running under unity Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1492 Moved Allow (numeric) tags in RHS of numeric binary operator expressions Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1491 Fixed Greek translation update Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1490 Fixed Error running duplicates browser plugin Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1489 Moved Needed features for covergrid Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1488 Fixed Error when using "Split Version out of Title" Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1487 Fixed Failure to use control pipe - commands 'Unknown' Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1486 Moved Custom ordering options in Album List browser Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1485 Moved "Edit lyrics" button doesn't work (it opens a website instead) Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1484 Fixed Command line option "--print-query" doesn't work anymore Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1483 Moved files whose length is shorter than 1 second are treated as 0 second length when summed together Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1482 Moved Embedded art extension crashes on permission denied Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1481 Fixed Ability to use Delete key to remove tracks from a playlist Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Browser Component-UI
1480 Fixed ReplayGain plugin groups album-less songs under an artist Type-Defect Priority-Low
1479 Fixed Updated Polish translation Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1478 Moved Celebrating 10 years of Quod Libet is not happening Type-Celebration Priority-Utmost
1477 Fixed gtk-primary-button-warps-slider=false breaks the seek bar Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1476 Moved Allow local album art to be read from parent folder of albums (uniquely) contained in its subfolders Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1475 Moved ReplayGain plugin: saving progress window is always on top Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1474 Moved Grouping albums should also consider the "album artist" tag or if it isn't set, the "artist" itself Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal
1473 Moved Add a way to find only album that have (no) cover at all Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1472 Fixed #(100 > track > 10) - Very small error in documentation Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1471 Fixed ReplayGain plugin: manage existing RG tags better Type-Enhancement Priority-Normal Patch
1470 CannotReproduce List won't refresh after filtered variable change Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1469 Moved "Follow Cursor" plugin does not work Type-Defect Priority-Normal Component-UI
1468 WontFix Alternating background rows (and possibly columns) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1467 WontFix save radio stations list Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1466 Moved Playback stops regularly just like that Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1465 Fixed OS X via MacPorts - Library doesn't load Type-Defect Priority-Normal
1464 Fixed Crash upon switching to file system view Type-Defect Priority-Normal