What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Download Bunjaloo, and patch with DLDI (I patched it using the official DLDI file for NinjaDS and DLDITool32) 2. Copy it to micro sd 3. Run it and you'll see 2 black screen
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? I only see 2 black screen instead
What version of the product are you using? The latest (rel 0.6)
Please provide any additional information below. Mine is DS fat manufactured in 2007 Kingston MicroSD card 1GB Ninja DS MicroSD latest firmware DLDI patch file (official DLDI file) DLDI patched using DLDITool32 from the DLDI website
Comment #1
Posted on May 7, 2008 by Helpful ElephantWhile I can't test on a NinjaDS card, the next version will have a mini-bootup sequence that will check that all is well. Hopefully this will help diagnose problems.
Until then, did you install the /data/bunjalloo directory on the card? See http://code.google.com/p/quirkysoft/wiki/Bunjalloo#Installation for the layout - basically unzip the bunjalloo*.zip file to the root of your card and is should be correct.
Comment #2
Posted on May 8, 2008 by Happy ElephantI unzipped it on /browser/ directory on my card (ex. F:\Browser\Bunjaloo*\bunjaloo*.nds)
Is that makes the browser unusable? And, will you add support to load full pages (like Opera Mini for mobile phones or Okiwi)? I mean, you don't have to "cut" pages to the small mode but load a full page like computer?
Thank you.
Comment #3
Posted on May 8, 2008 by Happy ElephantI unzipped it on /browser/ directory on my card (ex. F:\Browser\Bunjaloo*\bunjaloo*.nds)
Is that makes the browser unusable? And, will you add support to load full pages (like Opera Mini for mobile phones or Okiwi)? I mean, you don't have to "cut" pages to the small mode but load a full page like computer?
Thank you.
Status: NeedsInfo