What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. compiling QDevelop under Mac OS X 10.5.x with Qt 4.4.x
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? expected: metal-ToolBar with ToolButtons, as seen in QDesigner for this ui. instead: metal-ToolBar without any ToolButtons
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? QDevelop 0.26-1 Mac OS 10.5.6
Please provide any additional information below. Please add a creation routine to mainimpl.cpp to set the ToolBar items in addition to the ui file. Or disable the metal-ToolBar by using: setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac (false); in line 148 (v.027-svn r404).
Comment #1
Posted on Feb 17, 2009 by Massive Pandametal-ToolBar disabled in r407. It's all I can do because I don't have Mac OS.
Comment #2
Posted on Feb 17, 2009 by Grumpy RhinoOk. Many Thanks.
I think there are generally problems of this function in Qt (eg. using this function crashes my App if it will be resize perpetually over a few seconds).
As I mentioned, a creation routine in mainimpl.cpp for the ToolBar should solve the problem. If I have a litle bit time this week, I'll try it and give you a feedback.
brgds, Martin
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 17, 2009 by Grumpy RhinoI've played around with the code for creating toolBars but found no solution, sorry.
I've included in mainimpl.cpp:
ifdef Q_WS_MAC
also tried to relocate in MainImpl::MainImpl(QWidget * parent):
ifdef Q_WS_MAC
setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac(true); //new for Mac OS X Test, 170209MR
and I've made a creation routine for an own toolBar without success. Only the following lines shows single parts of the toolbar toolBarFiles, but they were not put together. It looks like a spacer was set between the items. toolBarFiles->show(); toolBarEdit->show(); toolBarBuild->show();
But for short: As I said, there are some problems with the metal-ToolBar on Mac OS X, especially on 10.5.5+ with Qt4.4+, so I think you should wait for Qt4.5 and the new cocoa implementation to fix the problem. For now the disabled setUnifiedTitleAndToolBarOnMac option solves the problem.
brgds, Martin
Status: Fixed