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ID Status Summary
395 New Change initialization to avoid compilation error with Qt 4.7.0 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
394 New Change translation directory Type-Defect Priority-Medium
393 New wrong-script-end-of-line-encoding Type-Defect Priority-Medium
392 New QT5 support Type-Defect Priority-Medium
391 New [Patch] Update i18n for desktop file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
390 Fixed Cannot build - undefined reference Type-Defect Priority-Medium
389 Fixed QDevelop crashes in Ubuntu 12.04 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
388 New Accept custom makefile or simply ability to not run qmake Type-Defect Priority-Medium
387 Fixed It is crash when I try to compile Type-Defect Priority-Medium
386 New No bugs, just hints Type-Defect Priority-Medium
385 New No Bug...Just many, many thanks! Type-Defect Priority-Medium
384 New Debug: Set Breakpoint -> Run Debug -> opens duplicate file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
383 New Unable to build in Debug Type-Defect Priority-Medium
382 New No keyboard shortcut for delete-line Type-Defect Priority-Medium
381 New Paste not compatible with OpenOffice 3.2.x and probably many other things Type-Defect Priority-Medium
380 New crash in ProjectManager::loadProject Type-Defect Priority-Medium
379 Fixed [PATCH] Fails to build with Qt 4.7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
378 New subproject can't be extended Type-Defect Priority-Medium
377 Accepted Syntax highlighting incomplete Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability
376 Duplicate Cannot debug - no step no breakpoints Type-Defect Priority-Medium
375 Invalid bad painting of text (blurred text) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
374 Fixed Build button is not always enabled/disabled. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
373 Invalid way to use the cross compiler Type-Defect Priority-Medium
372 Done QDevelop + Qt4.5 Type-Other Priority-Medium
371 WontFix compilator error "src/InitCompletion.cpp:52: error: parse error before `+' token" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
370 Started Need better Qmake Project Manager Type-Defect Priority-Critical Component-Logic
369 Invalid Adding "QT -= gui" to project file Type-Defect Priority-Low
368 Fixed crash on toggle breakpoint Type-Defect Priority-Medium
367 Accepted Wish: recognize .cxx files just as .cpp Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-0.28
366 Duplicate left pane with line numbers does not respect custom colors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
365 Fixed Setting a break point with line numbers off IDE crash Type-Defect Priority-Medium
364 Fixed www.qdevelop.org listed on external sites, but www CNAME is missing Type-Defect Priority-Medium
363 Duplicate QtDesigner and Assistant are not launched from QDevelop Type-Defect Priority-Medium
362 Fixed QtDesigner and Assistant are not launched from QDevelop Type-Defect Priority-Medium
361 Fixed Line number option OFF crashes IDE. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
360 Accepted Options dialog enchancement (colors) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-0.29 Usability
359 Accepted 'New class' dialog enhancement: split "Virtual destructor" to "Destructor" and "Virtual" Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-0.28
358 Accepted Wish: New class dialog enhancement Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-0.28 Usability
357 Accepted no icon for enum in class-view Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-0.28
356 Accepted misplaced parsing for class view Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-0.29
355 WontFix missed line number into editor Type-Defect Priority-Low
354 Fixed AStyle-Plugin breaks source file non-latin encoding Type-Defect Priority-High Plugin-AStyle Milestone-0.28
353 Fixed Too many error messages when files disappeared from disk Type-Defect Priority-High Milestone-0.28 Usability
352 Fixed Freeze on debug and release launch Type-Defect Priority-Critical Milestone-0.28
351 Fixed Report an error when failed to launch Linguist Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability Milestone-0.28
350 Accepted QDevelop should provide a minimize function for the mainwindow Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability OpSys-OSX Milestone-0.28
349 Fixed Mac OS X: QtLinguist will not called from files dock widget's context menu Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-OSX Milestone-0.27
348 Fixed Mac OS X: metal-ToolBar shows no ToolButtons Type-Defect Priority-Medium
347 Accepted Message about missing sqlite plugins isn't very helpful Type-Defect Priority-Low Milestone-0.28
346 Accepted Wish: Qt Resource files editor Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability Milestone-0.29
345 Fixed Idea: Always compile projects in debug mode Type-Enhancement Priority-High Usability
344 Fixed Future of Astyle-Plugin Type-Task Priority-High Maintainability Plugin-AStyle Milestone-0.28
343 Accepted The Project Explorer's selected item should update to the active tab Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability Milestone-0.29
342 Accepted When pasting, the indentation should be matched to the previous line's indentation level Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Milestone-0.28
341 WontFix The double-click word selection grabs too much Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability Milestone-0.28
340 WontFix Seg Fault in c++ processing (qdevelop-0.25) Type-Defect Priority-High
339 Fixed Do not keep *.qm files in repositroy Type-Defect Priority-Low Subversion Milestone-0.28
338 Fixed Chinese Translation for 0.27-svn-20090131(r368) Type-Enhancement Priority-High
337 Fixed Replace widget is too long for small screens Type-Defect Priority-Medium
335 Fixed Crash when creating new project on existing directory Type-Defect Priority-Medium
334 Fixed Broken "new variable" option in project settings. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
333 Fixed Error without error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
332 Fixed QDevelop 0.26 fails to add file to project Type-Defect Priority-Medium
331 Fixed Auto-Disappearing search bar causes single line scrolling to become page scrolling Type-Defect Priority-Low
330 Invalid qdeveloper crashes unexecpectedly upon edit Type-Defect Priority-Medium
329 Fixed QDevelop does not start Type-Defect Priority-Medium
328 Fixed A line marking the right margin would be nice Type-Defect Priority-Medium
327 New Shortcut keys become scrambled when switching languages Type-Defect Priority-Medium
326 Fixed Compilation error detection goes haywire for CFLAGS containing -Werror Type-Defect Priority-Medium
325 Fixed English text contains french "designe" in toolscontrolimpl Type-Defect Priority-Medium
324 Fixed Problems with spaces in gpb and ctags path in toolscontrolimpl Type-Defect Priority-Medium
323 Fixed Proposal for incorrect win32 console output correction Type-Defect Priority-Medium
322 Invalid error while loading shared libraries Type-Defect Priority-Medium
321 Fixed translation causes compilation error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
320 Verified SQLite support missing even though sqlite plugin deployed Type-Defect Priority-Medium
319 Verified QDevelop crashed with KOI8-R in sources texts Type-Defect Priority-Medium
318 Invalid wrong with enter Directory Type-Other Priority-Medium
317 Duplicate comment broken with Qt 4.4.1 (?) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
316 Fixed qdevelop crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::activate() Type-Defect Priority-Medium
315 Fixed Crash when commenting last line of file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
314 Duplicate suport for .hpp files too Type-Defect Priority-Medium
313 WontFix Can not choose/change path to compiler Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
312 Fixed Crash when clicking on last line Type-Defect Priority-Medium
311 Duplicate qdevelop crash Type-Defect Priority-Medium
310 Accepted Code completion(second level and so on) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Milestone-0.28
309 Invalid Unable to Start the Binary if you had multiple Projects Type-Defect Priority-Medium
308 Fixed QDevelop is unable to launch Assistant when using QT4.4.1 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
307 Fixed qdevelop runs compiler each time user press backspace on windows xp Type-Defect Priority-Medium
306 Invalid Commenting lines code is duplicated Type-Defect Priority-Medium
305 Accepted No autoComplete code when open a file witout a project Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-0.29
304 Fixed further features Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
303 Accepted Cannot view member variables in Other variables tab while at breakpoint Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Debugger Milestone-0.28
302 Fixed ctags and gentoo Type-Defect Priority-Medium
301 Invalid Failed to Compile QDevelop project whit Visual C++ 2008 + QT 4.3.5 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
300 Accepted The last selected line does not indent/unindent when you start the selection from the low to the top Type-Defect Priority-Low Usability Milestone-0.28
299 Fixed QT variable does not appear in the variable list after I add it manually. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
298 Duplicate Failed to compile astyle plugin on gcc-4.3 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
297 Fixed 'free' was not declared in this scope Type-Defect Priority-Medium
296 Fixed I think QDevelop didn't change the working path when creating a new project . Type-Defect Priority-Medium
295 Fixed Crashes after typing a few letters on both WinXP and Ubuntu 8.04 Type-Defect Priority-Medium