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qdevelop - issue #311

qdevelop crash

Posted on Sep 4, 2008 by Helpful Rhino

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. import the .pro file from http://code.google.com/p/konfetka/ Qdevelop on x64 will crash

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.25 on gentoo

Please provide any additional information below. Any other information I can provide just let me know

Comment #1

Posted on Jan 30, 2009 by Massive Panda

please compile QDevelop in "debug" mode, run it under gdb and provide backtrace and exact place of failure.

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 11, 2009 by Massive Panda

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Status: Duplicate

Type-Defect Priority-Medium