What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Try to use the "Help current QT word" feature in QDevelop.
QDevelop should launch Assistant opening the most page related to the current selected word from the code. What happens is that an error message produced by assistant appears which indicated that QDevelop is trying to pass a command line argument " -server " which assistant doesn't recognize.
This problem occurs when using QDevelop V0.25 with Qt4.4.1
The problem occurs due to the fact that the new Qt4.4.1 comes with two assistant executables in the bin folder. One executable is called assistant.exe and the other is assistant_adp.exe . when examined it was found that assistant.exe indeed doesn't recognize the -server argument, but assistant_adp.exe recognizes it. all what's needed is locating the assistant_adp.exe instead of assistant.exe
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 20, 2009 by Massive PandaYou're wrong. The problem is that Qt's changes assistant remote control proto in Qt 4.4.0. Use latest version of QDevelop.
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 21, 2009 by Happy Hippo(No comment was entered for this change.)
Status: Fixed