qdevelop - issue #296
I think QDevelop didn't change the working path when creating a new project .
What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Use QDevelop to create a new projcet 2. Add a new source file to the project , at this time its path would be "relative" , and QDevelop will reply "Can't create file" , because the path is not right 3. Re-open the project , and add a new source file to the project , you would find that the path has changed into an "absolute" one , and this time the new source file would be created successfully .
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
QDevelop should change the path a the new file to an absolute one after the project is created .
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? 0.25 on a Gnu/Linux
Please provide any additional information below.
A Chinese edition.
Comment #1
Posted on Jan 29, 2009 by Massive PandaPlease check whether this problem is valid with latest svn revision.
Comment #2
Posted on Jan 30, 2009 by Massive PandaFixed in revision 351
Status: Fixed