
ID Status Summary
14 New java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bouncycastle.crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPair.getPublic() Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 New Implement OTR v3 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 New Implement the extra symmetric key from OTR v3 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 New transformReceiving trhows NullPointerException Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 New OtrKeyManagerImpl unverify doesn't store changes on key store file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
9 New OtrKeyManagerImpl throws a NullPointerException when calling loadLocalKeyPair Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed non-(ISO Latin 1) characters do not display correctly Type-Defect Priority-High
7 Accepted Improve documentation Type-Enhancement Priority-High
6 Accepted Socialist Millionaire Protocol support Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
5 Accepted Support fragmentation Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
4 Accepted Implement support for OTRv1 Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
3 Accepted Manage long term keys internally as well as relying to host application. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
2 Accepted Use Message.properties for messages internationalization. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1 Fixed Enhance serialization/deserialization Type-Enhancement Priority-High