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ntorrent - QuickStart.wiki


A quick howto on compiling and installing rtorrent, libtorrent and xmlrpc-c.

if you already have a working and configured rTorrent installation, continue to SettingUpAConnection or/and StartingnTorrent

This guide expects that your system has all the installed dependencies for compiling theese sources, therefore i have not included such installation steps.


download the source files, like so. root@netbox:~# cd /usr/src/ root@netbox:/usr/src# svn checkout https://xmlrpc-c.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xmlrpc-c/advanced xmlrpc-c root@netbox:/usr/src# wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/libtorrent-0.11.9.tar.gz root@netbox:/usr/src# wget http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/downloads/rtorrent-0.7.9.tar.gz

(Alternative, svn version of rtorrent/libtorrent) root@netbox:/usr/src# svn co http://rakshasa.no/libtorrent/trunk/rtorrent rtorrent root@netbox:/usr/src# svn co http://rakshasa.no/libtorrent/trunk/libtorrent libtorrent

now unpack the sources.

root@netbox:/usr/src# tar xzvf libtorrent* root@netbox:/usr/src# tar xzvf rtorrent*

Compiling and installing


Please note that you need a xmlrpc-c version greater than 1.07 root@netbox:/usr/src/libtorrent-0.11.8# cd ../xmlrpc-c root@netbox:/usr/src/xmlrpc-c-1.11.00# ./configure root@netbox:/usr/src/xmlrpc-c-1.11.00# make root@netbox:/usr/src/xmlrpc-c-1.11.00# make install


``` root@netbox:/usr/src# cd libtorrent*/

if you have the svn version you need to issue "sh autogen.sh" to generate the configure file.

root@netbox:/usr/src/libtorrent-0.11.8# ./configure root@netbox:/usr/src/libtorrent-0.11.8# make root@netbox:/usr/src/libtorrent-0.11.8# make install ```


``` root@netbox:/usr/src/xmlrpc-c-1.11.00# cd ../rtorrent*

if you have the svn version you need to issue "sh autogen.sh" to generate the configure file.

root@netbox:/usr/src/rtorrent-0.7.8# ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c

if you get no package 'libtorrent' found, you might need something like this:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure --with-xmlrpc-c

also you should run ldconfig to update libraries (needs pkg-config)

root@netbox:/usr/src/rtorrent-0.7.8# make root@netbox:/usr/src/rtorrent-0.7.8# make install ```

Put this in your ~/.rtorrent.rc: ```

This will set rtorrent/scgi to listen on localhost, port 5000.

scgi_port =

force UTF-8, as xmlrpc-c only transfers in UTF-8

encoding_list = UTF-8 ```

Looks like we made it!

Now you can continue to SettingUpAConnection or/and StartingnTorrent.

Checking if xmlrpc works

At cmd line enter: xmlrpc localhost system.listMethods if it outputs a list, then xmlrcp works.

If you get an error like: libxmlrpc.so.3 not found then add the line: /usr/local/lib to the file /etc/ld.so.conf, and run sudo ldconfig.

Final notes

For more information on configuring rtorrent with xmlrpc take a look at http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentXMLRPCGuide