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ID Status Summary
208 New Incorrect MySQL status variables used to graph "MYSQL PROCESSLIST" Type-Defect
207 WontFix Need to add 'quotes' around <password> (and maybe other) parameters in templates Type-Defect
206 New Add support for mysql graphs via SSH Type-Defect
205 NotABug memcached not listening on localhost Type-Defect
204 NotABug cmd.php hex result and using snmp_community makes life easier Type-Defect
203 New Mongo values reporting from an incorrect section when also asking for repllication stats Type-Defect
202 Fixed SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output changed in 5.5 Type-Defect ToMigrate
201 Duplicate Cacti is_hexadecimal() and MySQL JMX metrics id Type-Defect
200 NotABug ss_get_mysql_stats.php 1.1.8 / cacti 0.8.7h Type-Defect
199 Fixed Apache test gets only localhost stats when use_ssh is false Type-Defect ToMigrate
198 Fixed Apache Non_Standard port unsupported in conf Type-Defect ToMigrate
197 NotABug "a8:0 a9:0" is matched by is_hexadecimal Type-Defect
196 New nginx template not working Type-Defect
195 New Mongo replicat set lag Type-Defect
194 NotABug Innodb Transactions not showing any graphs Type-Defect
193 New [patch] nginx port via ss_get_by_ssh.php.cnf Type-Defect
192 New make_template --mpds port,password,username generate a bad input_string Type-Defect ToMigrate
191 Fixed Trunk: heartbeat query for mk-heartbeat table uses `id` instead of `server_id` on WHERE in ss_get_mysql_stats.php Type-Defect ToMigrate
190 Fixed Patch for /trunk/scripts/ss_get_by_ssh.php Type-Patch ToMigrate
189 New Load Average GPRINT values are formatted not like usual under '1.0' values. Type-Defect ToMigrate
188 Fixed ss_get_by_ssh.php : wrong parsing for busybox's 'uptime' Type-Defect ToMigrate
187 Fixed Graph for "innodb buffer pool activity" should not use AREA Type-Defect ToMigrate
186 New Clearing cache in /tmp/*txt not covered in documentation Type-Defect ToMigrate
185 NotABug No netcat "-C" option under standard Linux distros and GNU netcat Type-Defect ToMigrate
184 New JMX Port is Not Configurable Type-Defect
183 New support php-fpm status Type-Defect
182 New MongoDB templates only work on the default port for localhost Type-Defect
181 New Add support for MySQL tunnel Type-Defect
180 Duplicate add date_default_timezone_set Type-Defect
179 Fixed Extra value on /proc/stat cpu line causes WARNING: Result from CMD not valid. Partial Result: U Type-Defect ToMigrate
178 Accepted separate IOs and IOs-merged graphs Type-Defect ToMigrate
177 New Add HandlerSocket Graphs Type-Defect
176 Fixed Make templates have a checksum Type-Enhancement
175 Accepted Make avg read/write time graph for disk stats Type-Enhancement ToMigrate
174 Fixed PHP warnings Type-Defect ToMigrate
173 New InnoDB Transaction Activity , Missing in Template Type-Defect
172 Accepted Graphs for new Redis INFO Type-Enhancement
171 Fixed Bug in jmx caching Type-Defect
170 Fixed load (type w item as) does not return correct load number. Type-Defect
169 Fixed Graphs have cur/avg/max, but not min Type-Enhancement
168 Fixed is too strict Type-Defect
167 Accepted Feature: Generate Data Query templates Type-Enhancement ToMigrate
166 NotABug Mysql Query Cache not showing hits/inserts Type-Defect
165 NotABug port2 not getting set when in .cnf file Type-Defect
164 Fixed blank line insertion whith ss_get_by_ssh.php Type-Defect ToMigrate
163 New Add a slave-utilization graph Type-Enhancement
162 Accepted Cacti poller stalls if ssh process stalls Type-Other
161 Fixed Per-host values for SSH port (and application port) Type-Enhancement
160 NotABug MongoDB Template Error: The parsing function 'mongodb_cmdline' does not exist Type-Defect
159 Fixed InnoDB Active/Locked Transactions (and other) graphs should be 0 instead of NaN Type-Defect
158 Fixed Create Graphs for Percona response_time_distribution Type-Enhancement
157 WontFix Apache CPU load template doesn't work Type-Defect
156 WontFix MySQL templates by SSH Type-Enhancement
155 Fixed issue on sshbased template Type-Defect
154 Fixed Use of nc in shell commands Type-Enhancement
153 Accepted Enhancement request: Allow stats collection against redis instances that require auth Type-Defect
152 Fixed memcached - netcat closes before output is received Type-Defect
151 Accepted Enhance JMX graphs for Tomcat Type-Enhancement
150 New flock can cause a choke Type-Defect
149 Fixed Nginx alternative port does not work Type-Defect
148 New The InnoDB log graph is very flawed Type-Defect
147 Accepted HaProxy Request Type-Enhancement
146 Fixed add memtotal to X Memory DT Type-Defect
145 NotABug Apache stats empty graphs Type-Defect
144 New iptables connection tracking graph Type-Enhancement
143 NotABug Add graphs for Query per seconds. Type-Defect
142 Accepted Add graphs for Passenger Type-Enhancement
141 Duplicate make-template,pl not creating per data source Type-Defect
140 NotABug data returned from ss_Get_by_ssh does not get put into rra file Type-Defect Priority-Medium
139 Fixed support for JMX Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
138 Accepted Support for apache1 Type-Enhancement
137 Fixed in scripts func big_multiply sprintf typo Type-Defect
136 Fixed Graphs For MongoDB Type-Enhancement
135 New Add bind graphs Type-Enhancement
134 Accepted Graph new InnoDB Plugin information Type-Enhancement
133 Fixed --mpds doesn't really work Type-Defect
132 WontFix innodb statistics not full in case when there are a lot of transactions Type-Defect Priority-Medium
131 Fixed load average,users shows NaN when only 1 user is logged in Type-Defect Priority-Medium
130 Fixed Only root user can access /proc/user_beancounters Type-Defect Priority-Medium
129 Fixed --port2 does not work with the "apache" graph type. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
128 Accepted Add a graph for InnoDB Free Space Type-Enhancement
127 Fixed Add graphs for key_buffer_size usage Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
126 New ss_get_mysql_stats.php doesn't query heartbeat on the master Type-Enhancement
125 Duplicate Create Postgres templates Type-Enhancement
124 Fixed Graph InnoDB semaphore waits Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Sponsored Percona-9590
123 Accepted Graphs for PERC 6/i Type-Enhancement
122 Accepted Create a tool to remove spikes in RRD files Type-Enhancement
121 NotABug Result from CMD not valid. Partial Result: U Type-Defect Priority-Medium
120 Accepted Add ability to get stats by Curl Type-Enhancement
119 NotABug not using --mpds flag Type-Defect Priority-Medium
118 Fixed Add graphs for Innodb_row_lock_time Type-Enhancement Sponsored Percona-9590
117 WontFix Graph Mysql user wise resource usage stats available from googles user statistics patch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
116 Fixed Missing argument causes an error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
115 Fixed Document per-graph overrides Type-Defect Priority-Medium
114 Accepted Create PostgreSQL templates Type-Enhancement
113 Accepted Graph the Cacti process itself Type-Enhancement
112 Accepted Make all ss_get_by_ssh.php config vars into command-line options Type-Enhancement
111 Fixed Create a complete how-to guide for making new templates and graphs Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
110 Fixed Create a test suite for ss_get_by_ssh.php Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
109 Accepted Update memcached graphs for newer stats Type-Enhancement