
ID Status Summary
24 New can't login, the page always display "loading" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 New Moodbile installed, but when I try to login just says "Loading" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
22 Accepted Access to resources (file attached type) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
21 Fixed If the user or password is incorrect, Moodle returns an error and the user can not try to fix it, because Moodbile, "loading layer" is showing and blocking any activity. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
20 Fixed Return summary of courses Type-Review Priority-Medium
19 Fixed Forum: edit post and reply(?) buttons not working Type-Defect Priority-Critical
18 Fixed Forum: when posting, stuck at the loading screen Type-Defect Priority-Critical
17 New how to get the moodle/webservice/json/server.php in moodle? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
16 Done how to deploy the moodbile on moodle or how to link moodbile with the moodle? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
15 New moodbile部署问题 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
14 New Forums: title bar & buttons Type-Defect Priority-Medium
13 New Additional "RE:" when replying to a forum post Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 Invalid List of petitions in Moodbile Type-Other Priority-High
11 Fixed Create functionality to display error when AJAX request have a problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
10 Fixed Internationalization Type-Task Priority-Medium
9 Fixed Solve forums problem Type-Task Priority-High
8 Fixed Create info-viewer functionality Type-Task Priority-High
7 Done Create user module Type-Task Priority-High
6 Started Finish cleaning code Type-Task Priority-High
5 Accepted come up with a solution for multi resolution content management and profiling Type-Task Priority-High
4 Accepted Finish the moodle external layer for moodle 2.0 and backport 1.9 Type-Task Priority-Critical
3 Accepted Install moodbile demo at Type-Task Priority-High
2 Accepted Write white paper : Moodbile Architecture and components Type-Task Priority-High
1 Accepted Write white paper : Moodbile Vision and Mission Type-Task Priority-High