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ID Status Summary
452 New disabling zoom short-cuts should disable ctrl+mouse-wheel up/down font zoom as well. Type-Defect
451 New Enter one-line summary Type-Defect
450 New Configuration file item to exclude characters from word selection Type-Enhancement
449 New Cannot rename Ctrl-Backspace terminal sequence in Emacs? Type-Defect
448 New In case processes are still running when trying to close a session, say which ones Type-Enhancement
447 New mintty, tmux causes vim to go bonkers. Type-Defect
446 New Move to Github? Type-Defect
445 New mintty cannot find cygwin1.dll or yeilds an error code 0x000007b if cygwin1.dll is in the same file as mintty. Type-Defect
444 New Patch for /trunk/wintext.c Type-Patch
443 New Unable (or unclear how) to set "default bold" color Type-Defect
442 New "Backspace sends ^H" not applied at startup Type-Defect
441 New Split Window Type-Enhancement
440 New Drag on Drop files or folders Type-Enhancement
439 New Command windows remain open on Windows 10 Build 9926 Type-Defect
438 New Please use DrawThemeTextEx when glass is enabled. Type-Enhancement
437 New "--hold" should show that the program has been exited Type-Enhancement
436 New Fixing Paths on Mintty install - cannot find my vimrc file Type-Defect
435 New Forward key combinations to parent process Type-Enhancement
434 New Delete and tabs fail together Type-Defect
433 New Is it possible to add setting for 'Treat CJK ambiguous characters as wide' as in putty? Type-Enhancement
432 New Backspacing the last character of the line eats the prompt Type-Defect
431 New True Color (24 bit) or 16 million colors support Type-Enhancement
430 New DirectWrite support with selection of hinting mode Type-Defect
429 Accepted Font preference applied on-the-fly Type-Defect Priority-Medium
428 New Patch for /branches/1.1/wininput.c Type-Patch
427 New "dd" does not work in vi-mode in CLI Type-Defect
426 New readme-msys.html: tip for msys.bat Type-Enhancement
425 New Middle Click sends <Enter> Type-Enhancement
424 Accepted Parameter recognition fails under 'run' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
423 New Can't launch vim Type-Defect
422 New mintty cannot open as Adminstrator Type-Defect
421 New clear scrollback Type-Enhancement
420 New Windows 7 taskbar pinned shortcut compatibility Type-Enhancement
419 New Run mintty with command interactive Type-Defect
418 New Italic escape code and Glyphs Type-Enhancement
417 New Can't open multiple mintty terminals with Windows "Shortcut key" Type-Defect
416 New Mintty process defuncts after large output. Type-Defect
415 New runs like crap .. cursor disappears ; SLOW Type-Defect
414 New Let setting dialog looks better Type-Enhancement
413 New ansi background color goes over the tail of the next line Type-Defect
412 New URL detection doesn't work on URLs with a port number Type-Defect
411 New Open in appropriate directory when invoked from Windows Explorer Type-Enhancement
410 New Improve interface experience Type-Defect
409 New Show current process name in title Type-Enhancement
408 Accepted ESC sequence resize: default behaviour Type-Defect Priority-Medium
407 New The order of input and output are disordered. Type-Defect
406 New Literal next (^V) - bug or feature - ALWAYS returns system xterm value -- Type-Defect
405 New Application escape key mode using Ctrl - [ (Ctrl-Bracket) Type-Enhancement
404 New add the ansi escape sequence for keys reassignment Type-Enhancement
403 New Configuration switch to prevent mouse pointer hiding Type-Enhancement
402 New mintty occasionally loses the last output of the program Type-Defect
401 New vim shell command output sometimes gets CR (Cartridge Return) messed up Type-Defect
400 New No way to set global defaults Type-Enhancement
399 New Cut / Paste defaults be changed Type-Enhancement
398 New mintty freezes while running java app and window decoration is clicked - Win7+CYGWIN Type-Defect
397 New Enter one-line summary Type-Defect
396 New resizing window causes 30+ second hang when CMD.exe is running Type-Defect
395 New Mouse handling doesn't work correctly (Where PuTTY does) Type-Defect
394 Accepted Maximize width/height control sequences Type-Defect Priority-Medium
393 New mintty window becomes no response when stop a running native win32 command with ctrl+c Type-Defect
392 New mixing right-to-left and left-to-right text Type-Enhancement
391 New Ctrl-click jump to file:line_number Type-Enhancement
390 Rejected Detached screens created through mintty causes sh to hang Type-Defect
389 New More clear & bright text Type-Enhancement
388 Rejected $- Type-Defect
387 New can not display Chinese file name Type-Defect
386 New When Loaded, CScope search result is present but invisible Type-Defect
385 New Disable remote-controlled window title changing Type-Enhancement
384 Waiting Disable middle click paste option Type-Enhancement
383 Duplicate Add configuration option to control scroll buffer wrapping Type-Enhancement
382 New Home/end keys not working properly unless on xterm-vt220 Type-Defect
381 New Console popups in Windows 7 using mintty 1.1.2 Type-Defect
380 New gdb from MSYS doesn't work properly with mintty Type-Defect
379 Closed Map Ctrl + I to something else Type-Enhancement
378 Rejected Ctrl-Shift key combos not working for letter keys Type-Defect
377 Waiting Long line continues on the *same* line instead of wrapping to the next Type-Defect
376 New Use different encodings for native Windows commands output and remote output Type-Enhancement
375 New adb shell Type-Defect
374 Verified Documentation Typo for "Show bold as font" Type-Defect Difficulty-Trivial Milestone-1.1.3
373 Rejected Cannot enter umlauts and other international characters on swiss keyboard Type-Defect
372 Verified Underline incorrectly drawn above font baseline when RowSpacing option is set Type-Defect Milestone-1.1.3 Difficulty-Easy
371 Rejected Context menu without chere Type-Enhancement
370 New Command shell window remains open in Windows 7 Type-Defect
369 New Alert sound independency Type-Enhancement
368 Waiting byobu function keys are not responsive Type-Defect
367 Closed Support for multiple modifiers with PgUp/PgDn scrolling Type-Enhancement
366 Waiting Spurious control codes render "make nconfig" for Linux Kernel sources unusable (ncurses related?) Type-Defect
365 Duplicate Pull request Type-Defect
364 Rejected cygwin console raw scancode mode Type-Enhancement
363 Duplicate mintty 1.1.2 and FPC compiled program without CRT unit Type-Defect
362 Duplicate mintty 1.1.2 and FPC compiled program Type-Defect
361 Rejected can`t start mintty Type-Defect
360 Accepted Stripped down environment for new minttys created with Alt+F2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
359 Verified Scroll by one line less than a whole page Type-Defect Priority-Medium Difficulty-Easy Milestone-1.1.3
358 Rejected Configurable page-by-page scrolling amount Type-Enhancement
357 Rejected Add support for C0 control codes via ctrl+digit Type-Defect
356 Verified Color report: wrong initial code Type-Defect Priority-Medium Difficulty-Trivial Milestone-1.1.3
355 Duplicate Command line alignment problem Type-Defect
354 Rejected Screen resize Type-Defect
353 Duplicate Enter one-line summary Type-Defect