
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
Angstrom-mini2440-image-glibc-ipk-2009.X-test-20090405-mini2440.rootfs.tar.bz2 Angstrom linux distribution image (console-image, no UI tools but can be upgraded via the network). tar file to expand on your host and use as NFS root. You might have to doctor it a little but it should work pretty easily  angstrom  linux  openembedded  mini2440  nfsroot Apr 5, 2009 14.32MB
Angstrom-mini2440-image-glibc-ipk-2009.X-test-20090405-mini2440.rootfs.ext3.bz2 Angstrom linux distribution image (console-image, no UI tools but can be upgraded via the network). ext3 to "dd" directly to a SD card partition for example  angstrom  linux  openembedded  mini2440 Apr 5, 2009 14.75MB
Angstrom-mini2440-image-glibc-ipk-2009.X-test-20090405-mini2440.rootfs.jffs2.bz2 Angstrom linux distribution image (console-image, no UI tools but can be upgraded via the network). JFFS2 to flash to NAND  linux  angstrom  openembedded  mini2440  jffs2  nand Apr 5, 2009 20.21MB
modules-2.6.29+git-r4-mini2440.tgz linux 2.6.29 kernel modules. To use with emdebian or openembedded.  linux  kernel  modules  mini2440  Deprecated Apr 5, 2009 14.37MB
uImage-2.6.29+git-r4-mini2440.bin.bz2 linux 2.6.29 kernel image as a u-boot archive. To use with emdebian or openembedded. Doed not contains any modules  linux  kernel  mini2440  Deprecated Apr 5, 2009 1.85MB
u-boot-mini2440-git-r22.bin.bz2 u-boot binary for NAND flash -- unsupported for testing purpose only. Build yours from the u-boot git source tree.  u-boot  mini2440  networking  nand  Deprecated Apr 5, 2009 118.58KB Sample script that attempts to download u-boot, the kernel, qt and build it all. Mileage may vary, assume this is a base and needs work. Totaly unsuported, check Emdebian and Openembedded for alternatives.  mini2440  u-boot  kernel Mar 12, 2009 2.92KB bootstrap script for uboot, kernel, qemu, busybox and dropbear  Deprecated Mar 12, 2009 2.91KB
s3c2410_boot_usb-20060807.tar.bz2 Linux command line tool to upload stuff to vivi via USB without using dlw/windows. Works perfectly well on the mini2440, despite the reported error at the end.  mini2440  s3c2440  vivi Mar 8, 2009 3.4KB
emdebian-grip-090306-armel-lenny-installed.tar.bz2 Minimum installed emdebian "grip" file sytem for an SD card (or NFS) -- root pass is "debian"  emdebian  grip  mini2440  s3c2440  debian  lenny Mar 6, 2009 23.81MB