
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
jquery.include.pack-1.1.js A new version of the plugin that load scripts and css on demmand. Fix onload event issue in safari and create task loading for array of scripts, this way the script only load after all files are loaded  pack  javascript  Featured Mar 14, 2009 2.76KB
jquery.include.pack-1.0.js Plugin that include javascript and / or CSS files on demand  Featured  utilities  javascript Sep 30, 2008 2.25KB
jquery.faq.js Create a FAQ dropdown style  jquery  interface  Type-Source  Featured Jun 18, 2008 1.55KB
jquery.uploadajax.packed.js Plugin to post form data with AJAX  Type-Source  Featured Apr 14, 2008 1.87KB
jquery.center.packed.js jQuery center element plugin - packet (to download the non-packet version, please visit source to get the last update)  Type-Package  OpSys-All  Featured Apr 4, 2008 1.26KB
jquery.center.js Center element plugin for jQuery  Type-Source  Featured  OpSys-All  Deprecated Mar 20, 2008 2.49KB