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ID Status Summary
481 Invalid java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() does not support decorators Type-Defect Priority-High
480 Invalid Wrong version displayed on monitoring page and desktop (jnlp) app Component-UI Priority-Low
479 Invalid Enhancement: JPA merge/persist/remove tracking Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
478 Invalid HirakiCP pool and sql Statistics Type-Defect Priority-Medium
477 Fixed In processes list, CPU and Command are sometimes in the wrong column Type-Defect Priority-Medium
476 Fixed ClassLoader leak when using the reports and then hot-redeploy with Tomcat 7.0.42 or later Type-Defect Priority-Medium
475 Fixed IllegalAccessException when creating Jdbc Proxy (Java 8) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
474 Fixed MULTILINE && DOTALL flags for transform-patterns Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
473 Fixed Basic Authentication and Sessions Type-Defect Priority-Medium
472 Invalid javamelody how to integrate to simple javaweb project,that jdbc+javabeen+servlet,thanks! Type-Review Priority-Medium
471 Invalid jboss eap 6.3 and javamelody ClassCastException Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All
470 Invalid I can only waht sql graphs. Type-Defect Priority-High
469 Invalid Preventing adicional dialog boxes when clearing stats doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
468 Invalid Rest call to non existing resource on Jboos Wildfly/Undertow with Javamelody returns status 500 instead of 404 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
467 New Upload javamelody.war into the maven repository Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
466 Fixed Google code soon dead Type-Task Priority-Medium
465 New Jira - javamelody do not show sql statistic Type-Defect Priority-Medium
464 Invalid Confluence - Sql Statistic is None Type-Defect Priority-Medium
463 Fixed Externalized Configuration Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
462 Invalid The unit of JDBC chart display error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
461 Invalid Remove web-fragment.xml from core jar. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
460 Fixed net.bull.javamelody.JpaPersistence.guessDelegate ( [javamelody-core-1.55.0.jar:1.55.0]Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Can't find a delegate Type-Defect Priority-Medium
459 Done monitoring-path param in web.xml under jdk8_0_31 not working Type-Defect Priority-Medium
458 Invalid adding ssl support Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
457 Invalid Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.driver.DMSFactory Type-Defect Priority-Medium
456 Done Timer already cancelled Exception Type-Defect Priority-Medium
455 Fixed HTTP-401 / WWW-Authenticate wrongly reported as HTTP error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
454 Done Performance impact on Jira using Java Melody (Question not a Issue) Type-Other Priority-Low Performance
453 Fixed Patch for /trunk/javamelody-core/src/main/resources/net/bull/javamelody/resource/ Type-Patch
452 Invalid JDBC and SQL Stats are not showing up Type-Other Priority-High
451 Done Monitoring Page not accessible if sessionids are used inside the URL Type-Defect Priority-Medium
450 Invalid HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [monitoring] associated with context path Type-Defect Priority-Medium Milestone-Release1.0
449 WontFix Atlassian JIRA/Confluence/Bamboo plugin does not support Stash Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
448 Invalid mail configuration in eclipse, and monitoring a particular controller. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
447 Duplicate JAVA Melody not deployed in WAS Type-Defect Priority-Medium
446 Invalid Tomcat manager undeploy hangs on javamelody Type-Defect Priority-Medium
445 Duplicate How to monitor JDBC Connection pool in a Graph Type-Defect Priority-Medium
444 Invalid javamelody unable to collect data (Struts2) - NullPointerException Type-Defect Priority-Medium
443 WontFix Parameter to remove donate button Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
442 Fixed Allow monitoring-path to be configured on the collector server as well Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
441 Invalid net.bull.javamelody.Counter instance taking up a lot of space Type-Defect Priority-High Performance
440 Fixed Not able to start Desktop version Type-Defect Priority-Medium
439 Fixed JavaMelody reports OS as Linux unknown Type-Defect Priority-Medium
438 Fixed Cross-site scripting vulnerability in Javamelody Type-Defect Priority-Medium Security
437 Invalid opened jdbc connection and database links not available in report Type-Defect Priority-Medium
436 Fixed FilterServletOutputStream does not implement Servlet 3.1 abstract methods Type-Defect Priority-Medium
435 Done Expose javamelody metrics via jmx Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
434 WontFix Total size memory sessions and graph Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
433 Done Securing the Collect Server with Winstone Servlet Container Type-Defect Priority-Medium
432 Done java.lang.ClassNotFoundException with 1.52.0 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
431 Invalid JavaMelody reports: Add title configuration sopport for emails report Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
430 Invalid cacheDesktopJarIfNeededAsync problem if no internet access Type-Defect Priority-Medium
429 New Track individual HTTP requests Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
428 Invalid JPA monitoring to work with eclipse links. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
427 WontFix application not starting up on JBOSS 4.2 after defining javamelody listener Type-Defect Priority-Medium
426 Done wiki: add info to Advanced user guide about class loading problems Type-Defect Priority-Medium
425 Invalid no SQL stats for JBoss EAP 6.1.0 ( JBoss Web/7.2.0.Final-redhat-1 ) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
424 Fixed Configure CPU sampling with a white list Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
423 Fixed Link to DataSource Reference Returns HTTP 404 Type-Defect Priority-Low
422 Invalid connection enrichment on the proxy object Type-Defect Priority-Medium
421 Invalid Clear all/selective stats using button on UI mainpage. Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
420 Invalid https://host:port/monitoring not available (SSL) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
419 Invalid http Sessions not displaying the user details Type-Defect Priority-Medium
418 Invalid Cast error OracleCallableStatement - Jboss 5 Type-Defect Priority-High Usability OpSys-Windows OpSys-Linux
417 WontFix Support of rewrap-datasource for org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
416 Invalid java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bull.javamelody.Counter cannot be cast to net.bull.javamelody.MBeanNode Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
415 Fixed Periodic stack trace in tomcat logs 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: The resources may not be accessed if they are not currently started' Type-Defect Priority-Medium
414 Done Centralized server and custom css Type-Defect Priority-Medium
413 Invalid Using JavaMelody in a Gradle embedded Tomcat container produces a ClassCircularityError Type-Defect Priority-Medium
412 Invalid java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not supported. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
411 New Missing support for IBM Liberty Profile Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
410 Invalid Tomcat JDBC Monitoring don't show Active Connection or Used jdbc Connection Type-Defect Priority-Medium
409 Invalid Erreur d'affichage page d'acceuil suite upgrade Confluence Type-Defect Priority-Critical
408 Invalid Unable to monitor SQL Statistics for my application Type-Defect Priority-High
407 Invalid Not able to monitor sql hits on EAP-6 in javamelody Type-Defect Priority-Medium
406 Fixed Slow GUI with JBoss EAP 6.2 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
405 Invalid use custom user locale for reports Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
404 New Maintenance Mode Enhancement Request Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All
403 Fixed Truncate long SQL Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
402 New net.sf.ehcache.transaction.TransactionException: transaction not started Type-Enhancement Priority-Low OpSys-All
401 Invalid I installed Java melody to monitor BMC Remedy Mid tier today only and in the year graph it is hwoing data from april unitl Dec Type-Defect Priority-Medium
400 Invalid Javamelody not working when integrating ehcache with terracota Type-Defect Priority-Medium
399 Fixed java melody reporting large Nb of used jdbc connections with Spring Routing Data source Type-Defect Priority-Medium
398 New heaphisto report failed -- unsatisfied link error with multiple webapps in tomcat 7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All
397 Fixed JavaMelody Causes JIRA to not Shutdown: "exception while checking sessions" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
396 Fixed HV000041: Call to TraversableResolver.isReachable() threw an exception Type-Defect Priority-Medium
395 New JIRA/Confluence/Bamboo: Use app.home and not temp directory for data storage Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium OpSys-All Component-Persistence Maintainability
394 Invalid JavaMelody Configurations Type-Defect Priority-Medium
393 Fixed JSF subsystem deactivation by parameter Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
392 Fixed Add Name to web-fragment Type-Defect Priority-Medium
391 Invalid SQL monitoring doesn't work with Tomcat 6 and JNDI Type-Defect Priority-Medium
390 Invalid Used and open jdbc connections charts always showing "0" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
389 Invalid How to disable javamelody monitoring? Type-Defect Priority-High OpSys-Linux
388 Invalid SQL/JDBC Stats/Graphs not monitored with jboss-4.0.5.GA for a JNDI datasource Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Persistence
387 Invalid DataSource.getValidatorClassName method not found on Tomcat 6 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
386 Fixed java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class net.bull.javamelody.Parameter.SPRÄ°NG_TRANSFORM_PATTERN Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-All Usability
385 Invalid Migrate ant-build scripts Type-Other Priority-Low Maintainability
384 New is it possible to generate charts based on jmx values ? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Component-Logic
383 WontFix Java 1.5, JavaMelody 1.49 gives java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException Type-Defect Priority-Medium
382 Invalid Unable to view jdbc connections and sql hits for tomcat jdbc connection pool using java melody. Type-Defect Priority-Medium