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ID Status Summary
356 New HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile
355 New iui.busy remains true after following non-iui fragments
354 New Label prefix of input in dialog is not visible
353 New Fixed Header (Enhancement)
352 Accepted ** feature request** expose encodeForm api
351 New The IUI app is cut off into the status bar while using an iPod touch when the app is added to the homescreen...Please help
350 Accepted Change examples to use UTF-8 for international support Milestone-REL-0.50
349 WontFix Update iui Online Demo code
348 Duplicate Cache IUI js files at a reasonable CDN and reference all uses in demo code and online examples with the CDN
347 Fixed Add README.md
346 Started Checking for back-links (in navigation stack) broken since REL-0.40-dev3 (when iui.busy was added) Type-Defect Milestone-REL-0.40 Priority-Critical
345 Accepted Integrate iPad support (aka Split Screen or iuiPad) into an official release Type-Enhancement
344 New Android 4.0.3 - the labels are missing when are selected
343 Invalid <a href=""></a> tag has it's closing tag removed and href has space added
342 New For Gallery: Metra Schedule metra.blakesmith.me
341 Accepted Website: /medias/images/favicon.ico is missing Type-Defect Component-Website
340 Fixed website dead link Type-Defect Component-Website
339 Duplicate Request CSS selectors be converted to classes Type-Enhancement
338 Accepted Website: add link to live demo site Type-Enhancement Component-Website
337 Accepted Kitchen Sink Demo Type-Enhancement Component-Website
336 Accepted in the gallery it should be written which version of iui the example sites are using Component-Website Type-Enhancement
335 New Does not focus to next text box with .focus(), .select() evnets in Mobile Safari Browser
334 Accepted Form dialog above another form view (page) confuses Mobile Safari Form Assistant Type-Defect
333 Started Enhancement: Add support for <dl> (definition list) elements in panel views Milestone-REL-0.50
332 Accepted Support standard form submit inputs input[type="submit"] everywhere and deprecate use of <a> tags a[type="submit"] Milestone-REL-0.40
331 Started Use LESS CSS for creating iUI CSS stylesheets Type-Enhancement Milestone-REL-0.50
330 Fixed Host iUI on GitHub Type-Enhancement Component-Website
329 Duplicate "Forms 2" demo renders badly under Firefox 10.
328 Accepted Provide a public URL on a CDN with the latest version of iui.js Type-Enhancement Component-Website
327 Duplicate 'console' is undefined - error message
326 New "Panel fieldset" example could not be displayed with the latest iui in the git repo
325 New a [target = "_replace"] does not work with the extension: JIT - Just In Time Loader JavaScript
324 New Can't use ASP.NET forms and buttons
323 Accepted Toggle form element not working on iOS5 Type-Defect Milestone-REL-0.40
322 Fixed History back fails to return to original, default view/page in recent Safari (Desktop 5.1.2 + iOS 5.0.1) Priority-Critical Milestone-REL-0.40 Type-Defect
321 Closed Padding in table rows too large
320 New using rail tickets calendar
319 Fixed Add sms: itms: and callto: to nativeUrlPatterns
318 Accepted Implement selection/:active state for buttons, etc that works with click and/or touch
317 Fixed Theme switcher doesn't work with Safari 5.1 Type-Defect Milestone-REL-0.40
316 Started Rounded lists fails
315 Fixed Examples on Website are from 0.5 codebase not 0.40 codebase Milestone-REL-0.40 Component-Website
314 Invalid ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;oppl;o
313 Fixed Fix release date for releaseNotes.txt Priority-Medium Type-Defect Milestone-REL-0.40
312 New function call from event
311 Fixed iUI needs a logging facility Milestone-REL-0.40 Type-Enhancement
310 Fixed iUI Video Presentation needs to be made (we only have a placeholder video right now) Type-Defect Component-Website Priority-High Milestone-REL-0.40
309 Invalid Fixed footer
308 Fixed Disable console.log statements (shows up with Ajax hyperlinks on 0.40-alpha1 and 0.40-dev3) Milestone-REL-0.40 Priority-Critical
307 New Event beforetransition fires before page has layout Milestone-REL-0.40
306 Accepted PhoneGap integration and hash listening (Make checkOrientAndLocation optional)
305 Accepted Add hook for Android/PhoneGap back button integration
304 Accepted Improve transition support detection Milestone-REL-0.40
303 Fixed All viewport meta tags should use comma rather than semicolon as a property separator Milestone-REL-0.40
302 Duplicate showPageById() fails on second attempt
301 Fixed IUI performs AJAX calls on javascript URLs Milestone-REL-0.40
300 New Update crashes when there is no title. Milestone-REL-0.6
299 Duplicate dialog "overlay" should cover all body height.
298 New cancelDialog should unselect the dialog element
297 New May I know how to make Message prompt in iUI?
296 New Ability to prevent default action of toggle button Type-Enhancement
295 New Enhancement: Throbber JavaScript library
294 Accepted Enhancement: A "real" "modal" Apple dialog for iUI
293 New Dialog CSS affects others / CSS "not" doesn't work? / Inputs aren't styled correctly
292 New Enhancement Request: Ability to refresh current page
291 Duplicate showPageByHref fails if a child element has name 'action' or 'method'
290 Invalid Use of JavaScript
289 New hiding address bar (scroll) is defected
288 New onclick for a element does not pass arguments to ajex
287 New Input text fields doesn't trigger Virtual Keyboard on Android
286 New target="_self" be able to slide
285 Invalid Blackberry version 6 - Back button
284 Fixed List iui on wikipedia Priority-Low Component-Docs Type-Task
283 Fixed Patch for /web-app/iui/ext-sandbox/google-analytics/iui-google-analytics.js Type-Patch Milestone-REL-0.40
282 Duplicate Link page doesn't display the content pages correctly for ipad.
281 New iui page not scrolling to top..
280 New Add header and footer issues.
279 Fixed Images are not retina-display enhanced Type-Enhancement Milestone-REL-0.40
278 New _replace doesn't allow for javascript inside the loaded file on the device or in simulator
277 Invalid external pages don't come up on latest iphone safari; works on ipdad, safari OS X
276 New Have a custom slide animation
275 New can't disable orientation detection in the library ( when you turn the iphone, the screen should not turn )
274 New Filtering iui click listener
273 New Bad sendEvent
272 New Bad size of the view on Palm WebOS
271 Duplicate Big Nav
270 New Feature Request - Adding native looking popups and overriding JS alert function
269 New using jqueryui autocomplete causes onclick handlers not to work properly
268 New input readonly is not readonly
267 Fixed Back button doesn't work in an iframe
266 New Php get Parameter
265 New CSS transition page slide flicker
264 New Select Box not rendering correctly via web server.
263 Started Dropdown not working in the Android browser
262 New Pressing GO on virtual keyboard causes the wrong way
261 Accepted Input submit buttons always submit forms without ajax
260 Invalid Incompatible to ASP.NET
259 Duplicate Multiple Toolbars (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.. don't have visible titles)
258 New Needed Green Button Type-Enhancement
257 Invalid Unexpected page rendering issue...