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ID Status Summary
213 New Show a readable diff as part of the failure description for assertThat
212 New array mismatch description should not just use array element toString value in mismatch description
211 New Failing test cases testReadsGenerifiedParameterTypes
210 New Matchers.contains does not always work for lists
209 New License file collision with android.
208 New equalTo calls actual.equals(expected) instead of expected.equals(actual)
207 New Espresso dependency specifically for the app under test
206 New Matchers.arrayContaining(Matcher...) does not work with primitive arrays
205 New proposal for new JavaGenerator replacing the XML configuration file
204 New maven install hamcrest error
203 New Hamcrest 1.3 CoreMatchers.hasItem(...Matcher)
202 Accepted containsString helper should cast value to string Type-Defect Priority-Low PHP
201 New BigDecimalCloseTo bug in error message Java
200 New Errors from String.valueOf() in BaseDescription makes some Exceptions un-reportable. Java
199 New Use of expressions to check "hasProperty" in beans Java
198 New Make SamePropertyValuesAs extendable Java
197 Accepted Link to "current" doc Java
196 New Patch for /trunk/hamcrest-objectivec/CHANGES.txt Type-Patch
195 Fixed hasItem is not working Java
194 New PatternMatcher Java
193 Fixed IsEmptyMap Java
192 Fixed IsMapWithSize Java
191 New Add CharSequenceLengthMatcher Java
190 Accepted Unavoidable unchecked generics array creation for a varargs parameter Java
189 Invalid org.hamcrest.text.pattern is missing from java Java
188 New (Java) containsInAnyOrder incorrect generic type specification causes wrong method to have higher precedence Java
187 Fixed IsArray.describeMismatchSafely() should use Matcher.describeMismatch Java
186 Accepted ArrayWithSize matcher should accept a Countable Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
185 Accepted Matchers.hasProperty doesn't appear to work correctly all the time Java
184 Fixed Exception from String.valueOf() in BaseDescription makes some Exceptions un-reportable. Java
183 New RFE: Allow assertions on multiple objects to behave as one. Python
182 Invalid Incorrect description for lessThan matcher
181 Accepted HasToString matcher's mismatch description is empty Type-Defect Priority-High PHP
180 Invalid mybatis 3.1.1 apache-commons-ognl 4.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT support
179 Fixed AllOf does not output mismatch description Java Type-Defect Priority-Medium
178 New Defining HC_SHORTHAND breaks code completion (Xcode 4.3.1 4E1019) OCHamcrest
177 Fixed Enhance the closeTo matcher to be able to handle BigDecimals, also provide a possibility to compare BigDecimals. Java
176 New Request to change the generics definition of MatcherAssert.assertThat Java
175 New Create SameSize matcher Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
174 New Enhancement: matcher that asserts an element occurs before another element in an iterator Type-Enhancement Java
173 Accepted Use Maven-Bundle-Plugin to delivery Hamcrest as a OSGi bundle Java
172 Fixed callable() conflicts with "callable" keyword introduced by PHP 5.4 Type-Defect Priority-Critical PHP
171 Fixed allOf() with 6 parameters misses the 5th parameter Type-Defect Priority-Medium
170 WontFix Using some Builder Pattern to make A chainable Matcher Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Java
169 Invalid All-Satisfy Matcher Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
168 Invalid EqualTo matcher should check objects for equals() method Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium PHP
167 Accepted Regression with nested matchers - Hamcrest 1.3 breaks Hamcrest 1.1 tests Java
166 WontFix Cannot use latest hamcrest version with JUnit 4.10
165 New New matcher to call a method on the object and match against its return value Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
164 Duplicate Hamcrest gwt jar file missing Java
163 Invalid add unordered collection equality matcher Java
162 New SubstringMatcher should cast objects to string before passing to TypeSafeMatcher Type-Defect Priority-High PHP
161 Accepted hasEntry() description should limit to single value when key is present Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
160 Fixed Release Hamcrest 1.3 Java
158 Fixed Java Test Coverage problem Java
157 New OCHamcrest should include date matching OCHamcrest
156 WontFix Matchers to be java.io.Serializable Java
155 Fixed Add Matcher implementation for files to the distribution Java Type-Enhancement
154 Fixed Prevent either().and() and both().or() Java
153 Fixed unlucky naming for some factory methods Java Type-Defect
152 Fixed Factory classes missing from matchers.xml
151 Accepted Allow IsInstanceOf matcher to accept an object instance and use get_class() Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
150 New Create class to encapsulate both the value and description Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
149 Fixed IsCallable docblock says "Is the value a string?" Type-Defect Priority-Low PHP
148 Fixed Some matchers are missing the @hamcrest(factory) annotation Type-Defect Priority-High PHP
147 Fixed Add noneOf(...) as shorthand for not(anyOf(...)) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium PHP
146 Invalid Hamcrest 1.2 java/IsEmptyString: NoSuchMethodError: org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf Java
145 WontFix Cannot use hamcrest-all.jar on android Java
144 Fixed OrderingComparison#describeMismatchSafely doesn't work for comparables that return values other than (-1,0,1) Java
143 New hasItem matcher containing equalTo matcher won't compile Java
142 Accepted Arrays should show non-index keys (0, 1, 2, ...) in output Type-Defect Priority-High PHP
141 Fixed Global functions in Hamcrest.php should call factory methods directly Type-Enhancement Priority-High PHP
140 WontFix Hamcrest 1.2.x does not run in Java 5 Java
139 Fixed PHP: Hamcrest_Matchers should import the matchers inside the factory methods Type-Enhancement Priority-High PHP
138 Fixed IsArray factory should accept varargs to form the array Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
137 Accepted Add hasEntries() to check for multiple key/value pairs Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium PHP
136 Fixed PHP: property name typo in IsArray Type-Defect Priority-Critical
135 Fixed Matcher fails to compile : Checking that collection contains instance of a class Java Type-Defect
134 Fixed DescribedAs does not delegate describeMismatch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
133 Fixed hamcrest-python package is missing the README.md file Type-Defect Priority-Critical
132 Fixed Simplify the usage of Matchers.empty() Java
131 Fixed Implement IsEmptyMap, IsMapWithSize Java
130 WontFix Sugar generation for primitive types
129 WontFix Multiple argument versions of AnyOf.anyOf() are never called, compiler warning still present Type-Defect Priority-Medium Java
128 WontFix library error - java.lang.SecurityException Java
127 Fixed hasKey, hasValue collection matchers not working Type-Defect Java
126 Duplicate Hamcrest in JMock on Android
125 Fixed Hamcrest in JMock on Android Java
124 Fixed java IsIterableContainingInOrderTest doesn't compile in trunk Type-Defect Java
123 WontFix Enhancement request: assertThat should take boolean alone Type-Enhancement Java
122 New Create falseValue() and trueValue() matchers Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
121 Fixed Create NonEmptyXXX matchers Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
120 WontFix provide Matcher accepting overloads for IsIn Java
119 Fixed PHP: Create script to generate hamcrest.php from an @factory doctag Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium PHP
118 Accepted Add matchesPatternCount() to assert preg_match_all() Type-Enhancement Priority-Low PHP
117 Fixed Add ToStringMatcher Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Java
116 WontFix PHP: anArray() name is misleading Type-Enhancement Priority-Low JavaAPI
115 Fixed PHP: Need matcher to check for built-in types Type-Enhancement Priority-High
114 Fixed PHP: Hamcrest_MatcherAssert::doAssert() has no return value, but assertThat() returns it Type-Defect Priority-Low