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eopk - DevelopersInstall.wiki

This is a walk-through for developers who want to install the EoPK source


This is a walk-though for installing and compiling the source code using ActiveState's ActivePyton


You should have some programming knowledge and it is immensely helpful to have Visual Studio 2003 installed on the computer that you are working on.

Installing Python


You'll need to have Python on your computer. I recommend using ActiveState's ActivePython as it includes Python 2.5 and is a good free IDE.

You can also download Python2.6 and use the included IDE.


Once you have installed ActivePython (or Python 2.6) you'll need to the Python SetupTools that you can download from http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.5/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c9.win32-py2.5.exe#md5=602d06054ec1165e995ae54ac30884d7.

Once you've downloaded this, follow these instructions to install (on Windows Platform).

Add Modules

You'll need to install PyOpenGL, PIL, simplejson and wxPython to run this project. * Download and install wxPython for your python version (2.5) * Download and install PIL

Add Eggs

You can do this by opening a command prompt and typing "easy_install moduleName".

The order that seems to work well for me is: * easy_install pyOpenGL * easy_install simplejson

This should install all the eggs you need to start development.

If you have problems running "easy_install", make sure that your Python25/scripts directory is in your PATH


Also, to get the source code, you'll need to have a version of installed. I like to use TortoiseSVN. Use the link on the Source tab to get the current source code.

Compiling a stand alone application

To compile the application to an executable you'll need to download some tools: * Py2exe will build the windows executable file. * NSIS will make the installation files. * Finally, you'll need UPX to compress the files.