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ID Status Summary
283 New Warning Django1.7
282 New Patch for /trunk/tagging/ Type-Patch
281 New Update tagging to PyPI
280 New Object tagging movie issue
279 New Doesn t work on django 1.5
278 New Patch for /branches/0.3.X/tagging/ Type-Patch
277 New tagging.views uses function-based generic views, to be deprecated
276 New 1062 integrity error when saving a model
275 New HOWTO get list of model instances that have no tags assigned? Type-Enhancement
274 New Linked documentation site down
273 New Doc: Revision 158 does not match PyPi version 0.1.3 or google code 0.1.3 download
272 New Github and module status? Type-Enhancement
271 New Make Tag respect MAX_TAG_LENGTH Type-Enhancement
270 New Input widget for jQuery TagIt plugin Type-Enhancement
269 New New project with existing sources
268 New Changing shortcut key bug.
267 New Bug in bookmark navigator.
266 New Hiding toolbar bug
265 New Add support for South migrations of TagField Type-Enhancement
264 New Default abstract model manager trumped by tagging manager...
263 New Is it possible to create the condition of filtering of tags while generating the cloud of tags
262 New font_size while the usage of a tag is 100% is not calculated
261 New cloud_for_model and usage_for_model unicode problems
260 New MultiDatabase quoting
259 New Exception when FORCE_LOWERCASE_TAGS is set
258 New No Reverse match exception
257 New optinal setting to allow spaces in tag names Type-Enhancement
256 New usage_for_queryset bug
255 New Bad performance because of `HAVING COUNT()` Type-Enhancement
254 New django-tagging separator, space or comma ??
253 New > TagAdminForm > clean_name > line 24
252 New Using not default model manager in tags_for_model and tag_cloud_for_model template tags
251 New Add support for conjunctive normal form or Q objects Type-Enhancement
250 New TagField doesn´t save tags when it is declared in an abstract model
249 New KeyError in change_aliases
248 New TagAdminForm.clean_name leaves trailing comma "," in multi-word tag name
247 New additional tables in FROM clause cause new usage_for_queryset() code to fail
246 New tags = TagField() --- TagField() no longer functions?
245 New Comma separation for TagField
244 New ascii errors when tags contain letters õäöüÕÄÖÜ
243 New edit_string_for_tags generates wrong string for single multi-word tag
242 Duplicate A lot of queries
241 New utils.get_queryset_and_model breaks if Model contains a field named "model"
240 New returning the model in tagging.register() Type-Enhancement
239 New Tag model should use MAX_TAG_LENGTH as max_length value in name field
238 New Wrong tag query results for models with multiple tags
237 New quotes option for edit_string_for_tags() Type-Enhancement
236 New _calculate_tag_weight logarithmic rounding error at max_weight
235 Accepted TagField causes DB hit for every tagged object loaded Type-Defect Priority-High
234 Duplicate django-tagging incompatible with django 1.2
233 Fixed Django Tagging fails in the last pre-alpha release of Django
232 New fails to retain tags
231 Duplicate How to get tags fields without parse and hit the database getting tags instances
230 New Tag.object.usage_for_queryset() fails when queryset is filtered by with_all() with one tag
229 New Extended test case for issue #28 (tests included for 0.3 and 0.4) Type-Enhancement
228 New tagging.utils.edit_string_for_tags doesn't handle a single tag with spaces
227 New Cache not updated after ModelFormset save
226 New TagField won't be updated saving proxy models
225 New edit_string_for_tags() returns wrong string when there is just one tag with spaces inside
224 Invalid No TagField on ModelForm when using register()
223 New [PATCH] Float precision problem on Tag.objects.cloud_for_model
222 Duplicate Presence of TagField on a model generates a SQL per object in a list
221 New Adding atrributes to Tag model Type-Enhancement
220 Fixed The testsuite fails if run with python 2.6
219 New Tag.objects.usage_for_queryset does not work.
218 New Get TemplateSyntaxError("Caught an exception while rendering: tagging_taggeditem") when {% for item in set %} on set = TaggedItem.objects.get_by_model(Model,'tag')
217 New multilanguage
216 New Danish locale file Type-Enhancement
215 New templatetags for clouds don't work (Django 1.1 problem?)
214 Fixed How to contact developers
213 New custom SQL in TaggedItemManager.get_related() uses 'LIMIT' clause, which doesn't work on Oracle
212 Fixed the unit tests in tagging/tests/ are an amorphous blob Type-Enhancement
211 Fixed Use for docu link.
210 New TaggedItem should accep defer and filter Type-Enhancement
209 New tag_cloud_for_model should take a template variable as model
208 Invalid Reporting a bug requires a google account
207 New Tags.object.usage_for_queryset(qset) has 2 MAJOR problems. (As in must workaround or site will die problems)
206 Invalid error: /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/tagging-0.2.1.egg-info: Permission denied
205 Invalid problem running syncdb
204 New Cloud and Related for ALL models Type-Enhancement
203 WontFix Enconter import Error!------cannot import name parse_lookup
202 New calculate_cloud fails sometimes on mysql
201 New utils.calculate_cloud crashes
200 New Using tags as a filter in the admin
199 New Suggested util method: calculate_cloud_from_models Type-Enhancement
198 New add_tag() does not support tags with spaces properly
197 New list_filter on TagField
196 Invalid Sitemap for django-tagging
195 Fixed installation error
194 New `usage_for_queryset` and `with_all` don't play nice.
193 Fixed Undefined local name
192 New get_intersection_by_model ignores tags that do not exist in the db.
191 New update_tag does not work with Oracle
190 New move managers import from module to function level in top level module
189 New TagSelectField (using FilteredSelectMultiple) Type-Enhancement
188 New handling Japanese punctuation
187 New TaggedItems.objects.get_by_model(Model, 'few tags') results in OperationalError: too many SQL variables (SQLite)
186 New Add setting to force comma delineation Type-Enhancement
185 New with_all produces wrong results if queried for non-existing tag (by string)
184 New edit_string_for_tags handles a single multiword tag incorrectly