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ID Status Summary
124 New Why this does not work? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
123 New REPL Hangs on def sorted-map Type-Defect Priority-Low
122 New litters directory Type-Defect Priority-Low
121 New slurp should accept an encoding name Type-Defect Priority-Low
120 New Determine mechanism for controlling automatic shutdown of Agents, with a default policy and mechanism for changing that policy as needed Type-Defect Priority-Low
119 New require doc out of date Type-Defect Priority-Low
118 New Patch to add :svn to *clojure-version* Type-Defect Priority-Low
117 New FAQ Page has formatting errors Type-Defect Priority-Low
116 New partition with pad Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
115 New Document that #^chars works Type-Defect Priority-Low
114 New in branch/1.0 is innacurate Type-Defect Priority-Low
113 New Incorrect handling of trailing decimal points in numbers Type-Defect Priority-Low
112 Fixed Use platform default encoding for *in*, *out*, and *err* Type-Defect Priority-Low
111 New Enable naming an array parameter for areduce Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
110 Accepted clojure version number patch Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
109 New RT.load's "don't load if already loaded" mechanism breaks ":reload-all" Type-Defect Priority-Low
108 New All Clojure interfaces should specify CharSequence instead of String when possible Type-Defect Priority-Low
107 Fixed Old junk on sourceforge Type-Defect Priority-Low
106 Fixed clojure.main should exit with non-zero code on unhandled exceptions Type-Defect Priority-Low
105 Fixed Build patch: install results to local Maven repository Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
104 Invalid macro call from Java isn't evaluated Type-Defect Priority-Low
103 New bit-count function Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
102 Fixed Possible bug in proxy: NPE for unqualified class Type-Defect Priority-Low
101 Fixed Strongly typed minus throws too often (with patch) Type-Defect Priority-Low
100 New gen-class creating non-compliant field names Type-Defect Priority-Low
99 New Incorrect error with if-let Type-Defect Priority-Low
98 Fixed proxy emits bytecode improperly referring to 21- & 22-arg overloads of IFn.invoke (Regression?) Type-Defect Priority-Low
97 Invalid partition-by does not work correctly when passed a function with side-effects Type-Defect Priority-Low
96 Invalid In FOR macro the :let clause does not establish a lexical binding Type-Defect Priority-Low
95 New max-key and min-key evaluate k multiple times for arguments Type-Defect Priority-Low
94 Fixed (ancestors ClassName) does not include tag ancestors of ClassName's superclasses Type-Defect Priority-Low
93 Fixed proxy: inheriting a method from more than one iface Type-Defect Priority-Low
92 New Check for key identity in collections Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
91 Fixed Documentation for rand inaccurate Type-Defect Priority-Low
90 Accepted Support metadata on fns Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
89 Fixed letrec Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
88 Fixed Add :let support for 'doseq' and 'for' Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
87 New *-seq should return seq/nil Type-Defect Priority-Low
86 Fixed dorun implementation tripping lazy sequence assert logic Type-Defect Priority-Low
85 New In a defn, arglists metadata becomes the first (unexpected?) symbol Type-Defect Priority-Low
84 Fixed Wiki pages have wrong copyright year Type-Defect Priority-Low
83 New PersistentArrayMap trust the reader (map literals) too much Type-Defect Priority-Low
82 Fixed read-line bug Type-Defect Priority-Low
81 New compile gen-class fail when class returns self Type-Defect Priority-Low
80 Fixed Make reference watch notification synchronous (again) Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
79 WontFix Allow read to accept readers other than a PushbackReader Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
78 Fixed patch to improve startup time on low end hardware Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
77 Fixed r1265 causes VerifyError on dalvik Type-Defect Priority-Low
76 New adding sorted-set-by Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
75 Fixed stackoverflow when counting a long cons chain Type-Defect Priority-Low
74 New Clojure compiler emits too-large classfiles (results in ClassFormatError) Type-Defect Priority-Low
73 Fixed proxy macro allows invalid method declaration Type-Defect Priority-Low
72 Fixed clojure.main/repl manipulates *in* in the body of the loop rather than in a read hook, can't override that behavior Type-Defect Priority-Low
71 Fixed IDeref print method can recurse infinitely Type-Defect Priority-Low
70 Fixed Maven integration Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
69 WontFix Documentation: repl_and_main page should discuss use of java -jar clojure.jar Type-Defect Priority-Low
68 New every? returns nil instead of false Type-Defect Priority-Low
67 Fixed clojure.lang.Compile doesn't provide a way to control *warn-on-reflection* Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
66 New Add "keyset" to Clojure; make .keySet for APersistentMap return IPersistentSet Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
65 Fixed zip/remove does not return the correct loc Type-Defect Priority-Low
64 Fixed Efficient, multi-arg clojure.set/union/difference/intersection Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
63 Fixed docstring for refer-clojure is outdated Type-Defect Priority-Low
62 Fixed Make clojure.main not exit when exception during --init if user requested a repl Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
61 New Make Clojure datatype Java Serializable Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
60 Fixed Ratio to floating point conversion miscalculation. Type-Defect Priority-Low
58 Fixed `() gives strange compiler error (i.e. backquote of empty list) Type-Defect Priority-Low
57 New Compiler internal error when expanding macro: class not found Type-Defect Priority-Low
56 Fixed Make printed IRef's more useful Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
55 Fixed "repeat" with multiple arities and remove "replicate" Type-Defect Priority-Low
54 Fixed defn with proxy inside with invalid proxy name gives a strange error Type-Defect Priority-Low
53 Fixed tree-seq arbitrarily requires its root arg to be a branch Type-Defect Priority-Low
52 Fixed Make set/union accept any number of arguments Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
51 Fixed defmacro forms return nil when evaled Type-Defect Priority-Low
50 Fixed Fully qualified/classpath relative filename in a Var's metadata Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
49 Fixed Complement ~x => (unquote x) with ~@x => (unquote-splicing x) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
48 Fixed Per defmulti hierarchies Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
47 Fixed format, name and namespace are not hinted {:tag String} Type-Defect Priority-Low
46 New callable defstruct (PersistentStructMap$Def extends AFn) Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
45 Fixed :post-init option for gen-class Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
44 Fixed non-Exception throwables stay wrapped in InvocationTargetException Type-Defect Priority-Low
43 New Dead code in generated bytecode Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
42 Fixed Classes from :methods argument vectors are not resolved before passing to overload-names (+ patch (?)) Type-Defect Priority-Low
41 Fixed [PATCH] several macros claim to want only 2 binding forms, allow more Type-Defect Priority-Low
40 Fixed Overflow check in Numbers.minus (+ patch) Type-Defect Priority-Low
39 Fixed Reader metadata fails for empty collection literals Type-Defect Priority-Low
38 New When using AOT compilation, "load"ed files are not reloaded on (require :reload ' Type-Defect Priority-Low
37 Fixed .hashCode and .equals for Clojure vectors/seqs break Java contract. Type-Defect Priority-Low
36 Fixed Add Counted marker interface Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
35 WontFix Wiki is closed to the public Type-Defect Priority-Low
34 Fixed A Lisp reader without access to EvalReader() Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
33 Fixed resultset-seq breaks when the result set contains duplicate column names (with patch) Type-Defect Priority-Low
32 Fixed Fix stray CPL comments and docstring for 'delay' Type-Defect Priority-Low
31 Fixed Report more incorrect usages of binding vectors Type-Defect Priority-Low
30 Fixed Add doc string to ns macro Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
29 Fixed Range sometimes yields wrong sequence (with patch) Type-Defect Priority-Low
28 Fixed Substraction sometimes yields wrong result due to IntegerOps.Negate overflow (with patch) Type-Defect Priority-Low
27 Accepted Disallow recur across try Type-Defect Priority-Medium
26 Accepted agent error queue Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
25 Fixed ClassNotFoundException when loading a clojure app under the Android vm Type-Defect Priority-Low
24 Fixed Remove hard search for .class files in RT.load Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium