What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. 2. 3.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Connection to Device. Device ist discovered but can not be accessed.
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Version 1.5 on iOS 4.0.1 on a 32GB 3GS
Please provide any additional information below.
in the Demo Version everything was fine. Since purchase no more connection.
Demo of RoqyBT4 connects to Device.....
Best regards
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 20, 2010 by Grumpy PandaOk, I finally made it!
The Navigon Triceiver couldn´t be written into gps.plist (File write protected after install!).
Also after adding it manually - no success.
But then, during connecting to the already discovered device (still unsuccessful) i respringed.
Imediately after the respring the device was discovered AND connected.
Works with all NaviApps like a charm....
Nice App.
Now something else:
Could you port your Stack to iBlueNova? The Developer seems to have no intention to make it work on iOS4 - amd to say it clear: this Proggy was the best BT Tool ever on the iPhone. Until iOS4 came....
I would buy it - and many others i belive would too.
Best regards
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 20, 2010 by Swift Oxhi. I don't understand your problem/approach/solution.
Could you explain the problem again?
as for Bluetooth file exchange, we're working on a Bluetooth OBEX package called "Celeste". We hope for a release in the next two weeks.
Comment #3
Posted on Sep 21, 2010 by Grumpy PandaOk, I will try to explain:
iBlueNova was the only App that was able to connect to other devices than Apple´s.
Until FW 3.1.3 it worked without any problems - now it´s not able to access the BT switch in the new FW.
Even if its not released yet:
First Question: will "Celeste" be able to communicate with devices of companies other than Apple´s?
Second Question: if so, is it possible for Celeste using the OBEX Protocol without being installed on both Devices (f.E. with a WinMobile or Android one, or even the iPad)?
iBlueNova was able to communicate with any Device, supporting many more Protocols parallel - it was possible to use the GPS Device in the same Moment wile running the Handsfree Jabra BTDevice. And still you were able to send files by OBEX in the very same Moment to a WindowsMobile PDA AND use the BT Audio Gateway in my Car.
Would be great if your "Celeste" could offer the same possibilities....
Looking forward for the release,
best regards
Comment #4
Posted on Sep 21, 2010 by Swift Ox@Illya yes to both questions. However, I don't think iBluenova did support anything besides OBEX. It certainly didn't allow to use a GPS in parallel because iBlueNova uses it's own Bluetooth stack which is not compatible with e.g. roqyGPS or BTstack. AFAIK, none of the Bluetooth stack alternatives allow to use Apple's stuff in parallel, as all take over the Bluetooth module.
In contrast to the other single-app Bluetooth stacks, BTstack is written as a server with a public API, so multiple apps could use it in parallel.
Comment #5
Posted on Oct 15, 2010 by Grumpy PandaHi,
desperately waiting for Celeste.......
No releasedate yet?
By the way: I don´t seem to be the only one ;-)
Best regards
Comment #6
Posted on Nov 15, 2010 by Swift Oxseems to work now
Comment #7
Posted on Jul 21, 2011 by Happy Cati have Celeste version 1.0-73 installed on my iphone 3gs 4.3.3 but i cannot send any files to other devices even though it ask for pairing and what not.. moreover it gives an error the other device doesnt have obex profile and i have almost tried all phones same error .. can you please guide me where i am getting wrong in using the celeste will appreciate you kind help Nabeel Amanat
Status: WontFix