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btstack - issue #66

Keyboard: Non-standard keyboard like Rocketfish BT keyboard not passing Shift or Ctrl keys

Posted on Aug 16, 2010 by Swift Rabbit

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Any use of the left Shift key, Right shift key or Ctrl key 2. 3.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expect to capitalize or produce special characters that are above the numeral keys but instead produces accented "a" (0xe1) or (0xe5) and Ctrl produces a box (0xe4).

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? Using an iPad version 3.2 (7B367) jailbroken with Spirtit.

Please provide any additional information below.

Using the same keyboard with apple Bluetooth driver has no issues with any of the keys so this is not a keyboard issue. Rocketfish is one of the tested keyboards so I don't know what settings can be changed to resolve this. Any assistance is appreciated.

Comment #1

Posted on Aug 17, 2010 by Swift Ox

what keyboard layout did you set in BTstack Keyboard?

CTRL is not intended to produce visible characters. CTRL-H is TAB, CTRL-A let's you go to the beginning of a line in terminal apps, etc. Try ALT for alternative characters, but they are sparsely mapped. e.g. ALT-L is @ on a German keyboard.

Comment #2

Posted on Aug 17, 2010 by Swift Rabbit

Keyboard is set to English (US). I believe that the Shift key should also not produce visibile characters yet it is being read and producing the accented "a" and therefore Shift-a will show as accented a-regular a but not capitalized. I had all the languages and none allowed the Shift to work properly... The Hebrew, Serbian and Korean keyboards showed some native characters but the other languages did not allow any special characters.

Comment #3

Posted on Feb 4, 2011 by Quick Camel

Any solutions for this?

Comment #4

Posted on Feb 4, 2011 by Swift Ox

Hi. I didn't understand the problem when it showed first in August '10. After working on WeBe++, I understand the problem. All keyboards use a semi-standard for the key reports although they are free to use any format they like as long as they describe it in a HID descriptor. Unfortunately, BTstack Keyboard doesn't look at this descriptor.

I'm working on a completely new version of the package to provide the same comfort as Apple's solution (which was released after BTstack Keyboard). In another update, I'll add the Mouse functionality and want to add a proper HID descriptor parser to be able to deal with all kinds of keybaord & mouse combinations.

Comment #5

Posted on Jun 5, 2011 by Helpful Elephant

Any update to this or status of the new build? Having the same issue with the zaggmate keyboard.

Comment #6

Posted on Jul 9, 2011 by Swift Ox

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #7

Posted on Jul 9, 2011 by Swift Ox

Issue 174 has been merged into this issue.

Comment #8

Posted on Jul 25, 2011 by Swift Dog

I have the same problems with my BT1280 keyboard. Is there any solution or further updates in the future???

Comment #9

Posted on Aug 11, 2011 by Happy Elephant


I talked to my boss about the possibility of combining bluetooth mouse and keyboard on iPad for remote desktop access and he seemed interested at first, but the no accentuation limitation and the reduced mouse speed (when combining both mouse and keyboard at the same time) became major problems for its use at the company. Is there a estimative to resolve these problems?


Comment #10

Posted on Aug 19, 2011 by Quick Camel

i am having the same problems with my zaggmate keyboard - every time i press shift, this appears 'á' and when i press control 'à' this appears again. when i press alt 'à' this appears, when i press control 'ã' this appears. i have my settings set on us english. give me a break. when i press the left alt this appears 'æ', please remind me why i bought this. question mark. exclamation. ps i would have written all this in cap lock to emphasis madness if i could.

Comment #11

Posted on Apr 21, 2012 by Swift Ox

Hi. Please try the 1.5 update. It tries to switch the keyboard into Boot protocol mode, where it should behave like any other keyboard. I don't have a ZaggMate/Logitech for testing, so please let us know if it works now (or not).

Also, please start using http://btstack.uservoice.com for issues with my BTstack-based products on iOS.

Comment #12

Posted on Sep 30, 2012 by Happy Wombat

Comment deleted

Status: New

Type-Defect Priority-Medium