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btstack - issue #33

Mouse: Directly deliver mouse movement to remote desktop apps

Posted on May 11, 2010 by Happy Elephant

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1.Launch BTStack app. 2.Works with Bluetooth Mouse. 3.Launch VNC Viewer app on iPad, and connect to my Mac Mini via web. 4.See attached screenshot of Remote Desktop shown on iPad screen. Note two cursors in the attachment. One cursor is from VNC Viewer via iPad Touchscreen and operates Remote Mac. Second cursor is from Bluetooth Mouse via BTStack. Does not translate to controlling the remote desktop.

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? Expected Bluetooth Mouse to control Remote Desktop via VNC Viewer app. It did not. VNC Viewer app does not recognize Bluetooth Mouse. Can you fix or ask RealVNC to recognize the mouse cursor generated by the BTStack app? Reason this is needed is to enter Flash-based chat room via a Remote Desktop and be able to access this Flash-based chat room from an iPad or iPhone.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? BTStack, latest version as of May 9, 2010.

Please provide any additional information below. Any help is appreciated!

Thanks you, Alan


Comment #1

Posted on May 11, 2010 by Swift Ox

hi. I can confirm that clicking does not work everywhere. It works in the upper (opposite the home button) area. Is this the same for you? Mighty Mouse does not click either (see separate issue). I'll look into this the next days.

Comment #2

Posted on May 12, 2010 by Happy Elephant


I received your email earlier. The cursor from the mouse does work on parts of the upper half of my screen when using VNC Viewer. Same results as you.

However, here is another related problem: When using BTStack with the iPad mail client, I noticed that the cursor selection (click) works on the right but not on the left in split screen situations as attached. In the attached, I can click on a link or select anything to the right of the major vertical line; but the cursor click/select does nothing on the left half. The touch screen works in all cases. Can you please verify this on your iPad or iPhone and work on a solution, as I think it is related to the initial problem. If you want me to enter a separate problem report, please let me know.

Also, I will be glad to test any alpha/beta updates prior to release or help in other ways that can be of assistance.

Thank you for what you are doing!

Alan Pittsburgh, PA USA

See attached screenshot:


Comment #3

Posted on May 13, 2010 by Swift Ox

Yeah, the mouse pointer only works in a smaller screen space, I just don't know why yet. Working in it - follow me on http://twitter.com/mringwal

Best Matthias

Comment #4

Posted on May 23, 2010 by Swift Ox

New MouseSupport version r115 allows BTstack Mouse and Veency to click everywhere in in all apps.

Please check again and report.

Comment #5

Posted on May 24, 2010 by Happy Elephant


I downloaded to app. You will find the results interesting.

The mouse driver works great for regular use with the iPad. Also works well with CloudBrowse app. There is a higher performance premium CloudBrowse app in beta.
Send note to developer for access.

However, in VNC Viewer app, the mouse works fine all over the screen, but the mouse click is not recognized.

Not such a big deal because I am now using the CloudBrowse app and the mouse for regular use with the iPad. So not a problem, but it is odd that the Mouse Click will not work with VNC Viewer.



Comment #6

Posted on May 24, 2010 by Happy Elephant

Here is another bug. I cannot select text to cut and past with the bluetooth mouse. The mouse works, the clicks work (except in VNC Viewer), but the mouse select cut and paste does not work.

Try is and let me know if you can reproduce.

Thanks, Alan

Comment #7

Posted on May 24, 2010 by Swift Ox

BTstack Mouse together with MouseSupport simulate your finger on the iPhone/iPod/iPad. Please test if you can do the same (select cut & paste) with your finger. Do you mean selecting text by dragging the mouse button pressed done, or, you hold mouse and get a cut/paste action menu and you cannot click it, or, ... btw, I only have Mocha Lite at the moment.

Comment #8

Posted on May 26, 2010 by Happy Elephant


Of course I can copy/cut and paste with my finger.

I am not able to do the standard cut and paste one can do on a standard PC or Mac. In other words, I can't use the mouse and click button to select text to cut and paste.

Is your app supposed to support cut and paste via the mouse (just like on my PC or Mac)?

Thanks, Alan

Comment #9

Posted on May 26, 2010 by Swift Ox

On my Mac, I use Apple-C,X,V for copy/cut/paste or the context menu in the right click. The Mouse.app only handles left clicks, which are mapped to a touch on the iPhone, but as the iPHone does not have the concept of a right click, it cannot be used yet. Similar, Keyboard.app does not support CMD-C,X,V as regular key events - as they don't exist.

If you can do that over VNC Viewer on a remote machine, it has to simulated by the VNC Viewer app in some custom way. For that to work using my apps, this requires cooperation between the developer of the remote desktop app and me, to figure out a way to pass e.g. right clicks to their app.

I'll try to contact the companies of VNC Viewer and Jump Desktop. Be aware that so far I was only able to contact smaller companies/individual developers, as bigger companies so far did reject my requests plainly in fear of Apple. :(



Comment #10

Posted on May 28, 2010 by Swift Ox

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #11

Posted on May 29, 2010 by Helpful Panda


What about the following:

Could BTStack mouse send a keyboard key stroke combination, and then have a client package installed on theVNC/RDP host that can turn the key stroke into a right click?

Could this take away any reliance on the VNC/RDP app? Would those apps accept a key stroke combination?

Perhaps even in combination with BTStack keyboard.

It would be nice if this was possible.


Comment #12

Posted on May 29, 2010 by Happy Elephant

Thanks Matthias!

I am only trying to get left clicks to cut and paste like a normal mouse. Both in normal operation and with Cloud Browse or VNC Viewer.  Please contact Lida Tang at always on technologies, developer of the Cloud Browse app for iPhone. Also, works well on iPad. Ask her about premium version that is in beta. Excellent app! It is in the US app store or via www.alwaysontechnologies.com

Or, contact Lida on Twitter by searching for lidatang

Lida/Matthias:  I suggest you email directly to get BTStack Bluetooth mouse and keyboard support working with Cloud Browse. Lida: BTStack Mouse adds a mouse to an iPad or iPhone. Adding bluetooth mouse support is important for an iPad for times when it is used in an upright stand as a "desktop" when at home. Matthias' Mouse Driver, works fine, except there are problems with standard cut and paste with the mouse without touching and knocking over the vertical screen (iPad).

Lida - You may want to try BTStack Mouse and the keyboard app also. Mathias can tell you how.

Matthias - Please try to make the left click and mouse select work as with a standard mouse without VNC Viewer or Cloud Browse. Then, please try Cloud Browse when you have time. Please try to work with Lida to get the mouse to work with Cloud Browse.

Thanks to both of you!

Regards, Alan alanpgh@gmail.com

Sent from my iPhone 3GS

On May 26, 2010, at 6:11 AM, btstack@googlecode.com wrote:

Comment #9 on issue 33 by matthias.ringwald: Mouse: Clicking does not work with VNC Viewer app from RealVNC ( www.realvnc.com ). http://code.google.com/p/btstack/issues/detail?id=33

On my Mac, I use Apple-C,X,V for copy/cut/paste or the context menu in the right click. The Mouse.app only handles left clicks, which are mapped to a touch on the iPhone, but as the iPHone does not have the concept of a right click, it cannot be used yet. Similar, Keyboard.app does not support CMD-C,X,V as regular key events - as they don't exist.

If you can do that over VNC Viewer on a remote machine, it has to simulated by the VNC Viewer app in some custom way. For that to work using my apps, this requires cooperation between the developer of the remote desktop app and me, to figure out a way to pass e.g. right clicks to their app.

I'll try to contact the companies of VNC Viewer and Jump Desktop. Be aware that so far I was only able to contact smaller companies/individual developers, as bigger  companies so far did reject my requests plainly in fear of Apple. :(



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Comment #13

Posted on Jun 4, 2010 by Swift Ox

I'm closing this issue to merge it with #36. Please post there.

Status: Duplicate

Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium