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btstack - issue #204

At the start of the navigation program stops btstack

Posted on Oct 22, 2011 by Swift Panda

What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Start BTStack GPS 2. Start Navigon or Tomtom 3. After a few seconds BTStack shows me no new locations. It´s like frozen

What is the expected output? What do you see instead? The expected output ist that it work with the navigation program. When i start it without the navigation it works fine. It looks like the demo but i have the original purchased program.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system? I have the version 1.5-25900 of BTStack and my os ist ios5 and my device is a iphone 3GS. Before i have updated to ios5 it works also very fine.

Please provide any additional information below.

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 25, 2011 by Swift Panda

As I said, after a few seconds, the GPS connection to work with the Naviprogramm (TomTom or Navigon), then the demolition is both the GPS connection and the GPRS connection off. The same problem also occurs with the tool rockybt4 to which I have tested in this context also.

Comment #2

Posted on Oct 28, 2011 by Swift Panda

I have now downgraded to IOS 4.21 an it works fine. I take the same version of Navi Program (Tomtom 1.6 and Navigon 1.82) and BTStack (1.5-25900). The issue is the interface to the new ios5. For Information i have the Ipad Baseband on my Iphone 3GS

Comment #3

Posted on Jan 8, 2013 by Swift Ox

Sorry for the late/no answer. I've release GPS 1.7.2 a while ago but if your setup is working, I'd just keep it :)

Status: WontFix

Type-Defect Priority-Medium