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btstack - issue #199

BTstack update in Cydia failed

Posted on Oct 5, 2011 by Massive Ox

I use BTstack GPS on a daily basis. It has worked superbly. I noticed that Cydia had an upgrade. I installed it without observing that there was only BTstack, not BTstack GPS. I got an error during installation and after that BTstack GPS not work anymore. I only get the "Bluetooth not accessible!".

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling without success. Please help me. I am using 4.2.1 (8C148a) Model MC131KS Serial 88002Q9A3NP.

If the BTstack GPS is uninstalled then the bluethoot in the phone works but only in the standard behavior.

Perhaps there still are some files there even if I uninstall it. Where can I find these? I use WinSCP so I can find them but I need to know what I should do.

Regard Ola Abrahamsson

Comment #1

Posted on Oct 7, 2011 by Swift Ox

You should always use the latest version of the core BTstack package, that was correct.

If you got an error during update of "BTstack", please try to re-install the "BTstack" package. Re-installing BTstack GPS doesn't make a difference here.

Comment #2

Posted on Oct 7, 2011 by Massive Ox

I can't still not install the program. But it's seems that I can’t upgrade or install anything in Cydia anymore. I always get the error "code sub-process/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" or "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (100)"

What can I do?

Please help Ola A.

Comment #3

Posted on Oct 8, 2011 by Massive Ox

I think it’s Cydia who make this trouble. I have tested and I can’t install or upgrade anything from Cydia. There is no problem from Itunes or Installous.

Please can you not send me the IPA file so I can install it and have a working GPS.

I was in Stockholm today and The Iphone internal GPS is a big joke…


Regard Ola A.

Comment #4

Posted on Oct 8, 2011 by Swift Ox

Did you try a reboot?

If that doesn't help, you can either restore and re-jailbreak (drastic!), or check out http://jailbreakqa.com/ for q&a on all things Jailbreak, including a stuck Cydia resp. apt/dpkg system.

Comment #5

Posted on Oct 8, 2011 by Swift Ox

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #6

Posted on Oct 9, 2011 by Massive Ox

Yes I have rebboted several times. I'm now start to prepare me for a re-jailbreak.

Why is there no easy solution in to reinstall Cydia. All my other programs that I not let Cydia upgrade works, and all other sources for software works.

Could you send me the IPA for BTstackGPS?

It’s incredible that no one have a good solution in how to reinstall Cydia or fix this error code. I have spent 16h to find it out but nada… I think this is a Mac issue that no one now anything when things go wrong…


Ola A.

Comment #7

Posted on Oct 9, 2011 by Swift Ox

Cydia is "just" a graphical interface to the underlying apt package manager, used by Debian & Ubuntu. It's one of the best around in general. Re-installing Cydia won't fix your problem. You can log into your device over SSH and then try to figure out what confused apt/dpkg.

If you get "Bluetooth not available", then BTstack (the Bluetooth Stack) isn't installed properly. Re-installing BTstack GPS won't make a difference. There is no BTstack-GPS.ipa. IPAs are use by Apple for AppStore packages and by people stealing/pirating software. As far as I know, there's no real use for Installous aside from installing pirated software. I highly recommend against using it, as it has a homebrew package manager which probably isn't worth that name.

I'd go for a restore/je-jb, good luck, Matthias

Comment #8

Posted on Oct 10, 2011 by Massive Ox

I have now put a backup back to the phone and then I get: "couldn't configure pre-depend dpkg for grep probably a dependency cycle" So now I got a new problem. Any ideas?

Comment #9

Posted on Oct 10, 2011 by Swift Ox

please explain "put a backup to the phone".

I usually use iTunes to restore to an older version, currently iOS 4.3.3, and then head over to jailbreakme.com to jailbreak. Then, I install everything fresh.

Comment #10

Posted on Oct 22, 2011 by Swift Ox

Not directly related/caused by BTstack

Status: WontFix

Type-Defect Priority-Medium