Not really an issue, but I couldn't find another way to contact you regarding the work you have done here. I come to you here from the WebOS community, where we have a wonderful (cheap) tablet called the TouchPad that a few hundred thousand people just picked up over the last few days. Many of us, had abandoned the WebOS smart phones of 2 years ago and in my case picked up an Iphone.
One of the beautiful features of the TouchPad and WebOS is that when paired with another WebOS phone, the TouchPad can be used to answer phone calls and text messages from the phone. I.E. Phone on the charger across the room, browsing the internet on your TouchPad and your friend sends a text, it pops up in the chat client of the TouchPad for you to reply to. We have been able to make this work with non-webOS phones, but most cases only phone calls work and not text messages. For the many Iphone users out there, we are to assume it is due to the lack of the MAP Bluetooth profile on the iphone.
I have an iphone and would love to be able to use it with my TouchPad. Is implementation of MAP something that is possible with BtStack?
Comment #1
Posted on Sep 2, 2011 by Swift OxIf MAP is about providing remote access to the phone's text messages over a standardized protocol, it should be rather easy to implement (in general). Also, the iOS APIs for text messages are either open or well used by the community. So, yes, MAP is clearly possible, but someone would need to do it. :)
Have a look at the specification which should be on
If you decide to get started with this, you may join the BTstack Developer maliing list (a Google Group).
Comment #2
Posted on Sep 2, 2011 by Swift OxThe spec is here:
It uses a simple protocol on top of OBEX. OBEX is a protocol similar to HTTP on top of RFCOMM, which is supported by BTstack. So a minimal OBEX implementation is needed as well.
MAP reminds me on rSAP, please check out "issue" 32, it might be related.
Comment #3
Posted on Feb 11, 2012 by Massive LionA MAP on my iPhone 4S would be great for use with my BMW's office feature. There are thousands of people out there looking for a solution for their BMW Office and Ford Sync systems. This might give them a reason to jailbreak if they haven't already. Some people even buy a blackberry on an additional line just to use this feature in the car.
Comment #4
Posted on May 27, 2012 by Helpful OxI'm also really anxious to get this. This would be great to have in my car (even moreso if it would integrate with other messaging apps like Facebook, IM apps, etc.), and I'd gladly pay for it.
Comment #5
Posted on Jun 19, 2012 by Helpful BearApple announced at WWDC that in iOS 6, notification center (so all apps that post notifications) will be posted to a Bluetooth device using MAP over OBEX.
So adding MAP support to BTstack would be a very good thing.
Comment #6
Posted on Jun 19, 2012 by Swift OxThanks, I know and will add it to the iPhone wiki page.
It doesn't get easier to implement MAP on top of BTstack when Apple adds it to the official stack. If anything, it gets harder as the business case for implementing MAP vanished (got "Sherlocked"/"Steve'd".)
Comment #7
Posted on Jan 7, 2014 by Swift OxIssue 162 has been merged into this issue.
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