This is mostly done, but can we remove the remaining 'printf's throughout the stack source and replace with the 'log_dbg' and 'log_err'. Printf in the demo(s) code is OK.
For embedded applications 'log_dbg' seems to be nulled out, but 'log_err' is left in.
Can these be (optionally) redirected a serial port or event? Simon.
Comment #1
Posted on May 5, 2011 by Swift Oxreplacing the remaining printf and fprintf with log_dgb & log_err is fine. I started but just didn't finish that.
log_err and log_dbg are currently send to /dev/null if EMBEDDED is defined (see src/debug.h)
debug.h then can be changed to accommodate target requirements.
Comment #2
Posted on May 5, 2011 by Swift Oxwell. I'll replace them right away... gimme 5 minutes..
Comment #3
Posted on May 5, 2011 by Swift Oxdone in r1091
Status: Fixed