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btstack - issue #125

BTstack GPS: Auto start with selected navigation Software (eg Tom Tom)

Posted on Feb 9, 2011 by Happy Camel

This isn't really an issue, more an enhancement request, apologies if this is the wrong place.

I am succesfully using BTStacks GPS with TomTomm 1.6 on IPT4G 4.2.2 and thought it would be great if you get BTstacks GPS to load automatically to last used Bluetooth GPS device when Tom TOm ( or ither equivalent nav software) is started. And also close down BTstacks GPS when nav software is closed.


Comment #1

Posted on Feb 10, 2011 by Swift Ox

Hi Arthur

That's a great idea, and it's already on my list of useful new features. There probably will be another update with other improvements, notably the option to reliably skip stupid hardware checks (iPod => no GPS => don't work) on iPod touches.

Comment #2

Posted on Feb 10, 2011 by Swift Ox

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Comment #3

Posted on Feb 10, 2011 by Happy Camel

Hi Matthias

Glad you thought that was a good idea, and look forward to seeing furhter developments.

best regards


Comment #4

Posted on Mar 2, 2011 by Grumpy Cat

If I purchased the program will the updates be free?

Comment #5

Posted on Mar 2, 2011 by Swift Ox

Updates to Cydia software is generally free. (technically, it's actually not even possible to charge for an update -a developer would need to make a new package and provide a discount for the previous version).

I don't plan to charge for updates for my packages in general, so BTstack GPS updates will be free - just don't be disappointed if there's no update tomorrow.

Comment #6

Posted on Mar 3, 2011 by Grumpy Cat

Hi, have you been able to fix the error message with TomTom to "connect to GPS"?. I have tried your previous GPS-Support.dylib (from July 5 2010) and doesnt seem to make any changes to the program. I purchased BTStack GPS version 1.5 because it said it fixed the error. Can you please help. Thanks

Comment #7

Posted on May 15, 2011 by Grumpy Bird

RE dylib file above - the connect to GPS error is fixed with this with TomTom v1.7 - see bug #84

Comment #8

Posted on Jul 5, 2011 by Happy Wombat

I just submitted a similar request in issue 177. However, I don't think it's always a good idea to start btstackgps when starting tomtom.

Sometimes people may want to use tomtom to do advanced planning without using gps. And it's also possible that you may want to quit tomtom temporarily to use other app (like google map, contacts, notes), but you don't want to disconnect and connect gps again when you start the tomtom later.

Besides, it may take a while for the gps to be connected and have a fix, so even you start tomtom and start btstackgps automatically, you still need to wait for some time before you can use it.

I think the starting of btstackgps should be outside of tomtom, but it should be as easy as possible. That's why I suggested to have a option to turn on insomnia automatically, and make a sbsettings toggle for btstackgps.

Status: Accepted

Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium