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ID Status Summary
146 New "Native Library bluecove_arm not available" issue on arm ubuntu
145 New BlueCove on Windows 8
144 New Bluecove on Windows CE 6.0
143 New bluecove_ce and intelbth_ce not found on Windows CE 6.0 and Creme JVM
142 New Bluecove not supported in Android 4.2 version
141 New x64
140 New Patch for /trunk/bluecove-android2/src/main/java/com/intel/bluetooth/ Type-Patch
139 New Bluecove on Windows 8
138 New Mac OSX 10.7.5 with Java 7 Webstart using does not work and eventually a JVM crash
137 New Make bluecove work with bluesoleil stack
136 New Exceptions thrown by Emulator when running with Java 7
135 New Multiple Connections
134 New Bluecove broken on OSX 10.8
133 New kkk Type-Patch
132 New undefined symbol: sdp_extract_pdu
131 New Using Bluecove Software with Android App- Bluetooth stack not found on Toshiba
130 New : The requested protocol does not exist btspp
129 New Broadcom stack not detected as WIDCOMM
128 New BlueCove on Mac OS X 10.7.2 - Access restriction: The type DiscoveryListener is not accessible due to restriction on required library /Library/Java/Extensions/bluecove-2.1.0.jar
127 New CloseHandle needs to be called after BluetoothFindFirstRadio and BluetoothFindNextRadio
126 New Documentation typo
125 New how to run this source
124 New provide source as ZIP instead of TAR.GZ
123 New Pin Pairing, How to?
122 New JNI local ref table overflow
121 New kernel failure
120 New GCC Warnings during build with gcc
119 New Memory leaking when trying to open a connection (SPP service)
118 New When building for Mac OS X 10.5.8 with Xcode 3.1.4 resulting jar doesn't work
117 New bluecove not working on arch linux
116 New Exception message strings are empty for platforms based on localized windows
115 New Missing OBEX UUIDs on ServiceRecordImpl
114 New Problem with Toshiba Stack
113 New Not Supported on winsock / bluesoleil
112 New Slow write to device via btspp on Mac OS X 10.6.3
111 Invalid Bluecove library bluecove not available.
110 New Device Search and Service Search not possible in parallel on one Dongle / Ubuntu 9.10
109 New BlueCove on Windows 7 x64
108 Fixed-SNAPSHOT bluecove-bluez. Typo in API of Adapter.DeviceFound
107 New Using Bluecove API's in Tomcat Java Servlet produces an internal server error (Ubuntu 9.10)
106 WontFix Missing header files in the OSX build.
105 Accepted L2CAP Connection fails on 2.1.1-Snapshot.60 OpSys-Linux Priority-Critical
104 Accepted RFCOMM write crashing on OSX 10.6.2
103 WontFix Obex PC Server problem in Windows and Linux
102 WontFix Cannot discover other bluetooth devices or discovered by others
101 New __NSAutoreleaseNoPool warnings on OSX
100 Fixed-SNAPSHOT Bluecove is willing to use its native lib on OS X 10.5 with a 64 bit JVM OpSys-OSX
99 Invalid Error with Bluecove in Linux
98 Invalid mvn jetty:run, tomcat, and jetty servlet engines hide JNI
97 New Feature? Getting RSSI information without creating a connection first
96 New RFCOMM channels not handled properly on Mac
95 Fixed Problem building svn mac native code
94 WontFix retrieveDevices of DiscovereyAgent always returns null
93 New Cannot create an empty name header as specified by the IrOBEX v1.2 specification
92 WontFix Exception on using RemoteDeviceHelper.getRSSI();
91 New serviceSearchCompleted always has response 3 (SERVICE_SEARCH_ERROR) on linux
90 New Connection close
89 New Several devices in BlueZ D-Bus
88 Fixed Compile errors under XCode 3.2.1 and OS X 10.6.1 OpSys-OSX
87 New Can not read RSSI with Widcomm, failing to get connection info, common.cpp:166
86 WontFix macosx snow-leopard gcc-4.2 mvn install failures due to C++ Dialect
85 WontFix 2 adapters
84 New "Native Library bluecove not available" error message while sending file from Eclipse
83 WontFix When using BluieCove 2.1.0 with l2cap i get an error: IOException: Not Supported on winsock
82 WontFix Problem to send file from PC to mobile device (Sony Ericsson k610i ) using OBEX prootocol on BlueSoleiol v6.
81 New Not receiving data in OBEX server
80 New StreamConnectionNotifier.acceptAndOpen does not release block after close() method is invoked on the notifier
79 New Problem using BlueCove (device not ready)
78 Duplicate bluecove-2.1.0 build problem
77 Invalid bluecove-2.1.0 build problem
76 WontFix Can I not have multiple applications use bluetooth?
75 WontFix Build issue while building bluecove-2.1.0
74 New Problem handling multiple received connections on MS Stack
73 WontFix native library bluecove not available OpSys-Linux
72 WontFix Mac OS X: Unable to establish RFCOMM connection (Failed to open baseban connection)
71 New Authentication callback is required
70 WontFix netbeans building error
69 Fixed-SNAPSHOT Bluecove-bluez: setConfigProperty() doesn't accepts numbers Type-Defect OpSys-Linux
68 Fixed javax.bluetooth.BluetoothStateException: Bluetooth Device is not ready
66 Duplicate The example JNLP files don't work with OpenJDK supplied with openSUsE 11.1
65 Invalid BlueCove does not work on openSuSE 11.1 with Sun's JDK
64 Invalid BlueCove Compliance with JSR-082 Breaks Some Applications
63 Invalid error in windows
62 New BlueZ Thread interrupt while oppening client connection
61 Fixed intelbth_ce.dll in 2.0.3 incompletely built: not usable on windows ce / microsoft stack OpSys-WinCE
60 Invalid ClientSession.setPath() and file path ?
59 Fixed-SNAPSHOT BlueZ v4 Unable to retrieve the local discovery mode.
58 Fixed OBEX file transfer speed Type-Enhancement OpSys-All
57 Fixed does not respect interrupt() on Windows Vista
56 Invalid Mysaifu 1.6 BlueCove 2.0.3 on HP Ipaq 24xx unable to load proper BT stack during initial dicovery OpSys-WinCE
55 Duplicate L2CAP connection closed notifications OpSys-Linux Type-Defect
54 Fixed-SNAPSHOT Thread endless loop when disconnect client from linux server OpSys-Linux
53 Fixed BlueCove doesn't work with Bluez v 4.x OpSys-Linux
52 Accepted Kernel Panic on Linux OpSys-Linux
51 Accepted Device discovery detects devices that are not there
50 New BlueCove crash on Linux OpSys-Linux
49 New Samsung Instinct paired with WinXP does not show as trusted Type-Defect Priority-Medium
48 New Crash with BlueSoleil Type-Defect Priority-Medium
47 WontFix Device [services] not discovered Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Windows
46 WontFix TRying to include bluecove in j2mepolish Type-Defect Priority-Medium