BlueCove is a JSR-82 J2SE implementation that currently interfaces with the Mac OS X, WIDCOMM, BlueSoleil and Microsoft Bluetooth stack found in Windows XP SP2 and newer. Originally developed by Intel Research and currently maintained by volunteers.
BlueCove runs on any JVM starting from version 1.1 or newer on Windows Mobile, Windows XP and Windows Vista, Mac OS X. details
Since version 2.1 BlueCove distributed under the Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Linux BlueZ support added in BlueCove version 2.0.3 as additional GPL licensed module.
BlueCove provides Java API for Bluetooth JSR 82. See Documentation and FAQ to get started.
Legal For various technical and legal reasons, BlueCove library is not legally referred to as an implementation of JSR-82. In order to legally refer to a piece of software as a JSR, it must pass the JSR-82 TCK or Sun TCK. Current BlueCove JSR-82 TCK compatibility status can be found here or here. Mainly there are some missing API in native stacks to implement full TCK compatibility.
Also we are using our own tests bluecove-tester to ensure quality of the product and ease of development.
See Changelog and Nightly Build for the latest product information.
If you have a questions or require supports use Goolge Groups bluecove-users
BlueCove v2.0.X and before had been licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
BlueCove-gpl BlueZ module is licensed under GNU General Public License.
BlueCove v2.1.0 is licensed under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.
BlueCove-BlueZ module is licensed under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.