
File Summary + Labels Uploaded Size
virag-franz-ami-dod.pdf AMI Addressing Security Risks in DoD Applications May 6, 2011 685.69KB
franz-fuzzing-maze-cert-2010.pdf A Maze of Tiny Passages All Alike; A Bottom Up Exploration of FOSS Fuzzers  fuzzing Feb 1, 2010 821.66KB
cis170_spring2009_final.pdf Final from CIS170: Security Fundamentals (FCC) May 14, 2009 82.57KB
franz_2008_resume 2008 Resume  resume Sep 20, 2008 48.13KB
InTech-CyberFlaws.pdf Uncovering Cyber Flaws (2005) May 30, 2008 790.74KB
franz-pcsf-sec-testing.pdf The Challenge of an Open Security Methodology for Testing Control Systems (2006) May 30, 2008 170.77KB
franz-pcsf-disclosure-final.pdf SCADA Vulnerability Discovery and Disclosure: A Case Study (2006) May 30, 2008 406.46KB
SCADA-Attack-Trees-IISW.pdf The Use of Attack Trees in Assessing SCADA Vulnerabilities (2005) May 30, 2008 321.38KB
franz-niscc-workshop-jan04.pdf Protocol Implementation Testing: Challenges & Opportunities (2004) May 30, 2008 88.98KB
franz-niscc-modbusfw-may04.pdf ModbusFW: Deep Packet Inspection for Industrial Ethernet (2004) May 30, 2008 1.02MB
franz-miller-industrial-ethernet-sec-03.pdf Industrial Ethernet Security: Threats & Countermeasures (2003) May 30, 2008 823.08KB
franz-isa-device-testing-oct03.pdf Vulnerability Testing of Industrial Networking Devices (2003) May 30, 2008 320.58KB
franz-integrating-it-control-system-security-mar03.pdf Integrating IT & Control System Security (2003, KEMA) May 30, 2008 1.17MB
franz-basic-j2ee-tools-owasp-austin.pdf J2EE Webappsec Tools (2006) May 30, 2008 557.22KB
ciag-bgp-v1-1.pdf BGP Vulnerability Testing: Separating Fact from FUD (2003, BlackHat & NANOG) May 30, 2008 459.48KB
franz-API-future-of-scada-security-apr03.pdf A Future of SCADA & Control System Security (2003) May 30, 2008 778.19KB
core01-howsecure.pdf How Secure Is Secure: Conducting Threat Oriented Product Evaluations (2001, CanSecWest) May 30, 2008 6.04MB
franz-2007-resume.pdf Old 2007 Resume May 29, 2008 67.84KB