
ID Status Summary
9 Done Test social integration of my projects Type-Task Priority-Medium Component-UI
8 Accepted transparently synchronize recordings to mobile devices Type-Task Priority-Medium Usability Component-Persistence
7 Accepted implement a flexible capture scheduler Type-Task Priority-Medium Component-UI Usability
6 Accepted investigate how FreeGuide selection could be used externally Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Usability
5 Accepted install and tweak teletext based XMLTV provider for Hungarian norms Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
4 Accepted implement a universal power scheduler Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability Performance
3 Accepted Spring daylight saving is not accounted for in tv/timedtv.sh Type-Defect Priority-Low
2 Accepted tv/cut.sh: CTRL-c doesn't work Type-Defect Priority-Low
1 Accepted create docs for the initial uploads Type-Enhancement Priority-Low