
ID Status Summary
91 New The execution doesn't end when a numeric value is returned in exponential format. Only on Win7 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
90 New Table DDL generation fails in UTF8 database Type-Defect Priority-Medium
89 New After executing dbcc checkdb
88 New Stubs.sql ( <Menu\Table DDL> ) error on tables with "sp_bindefault" Type-Defect Priority-Medium
87 New Support for long table/column/procedure names Type-Defect Priority-Medium
86 New No server dropdown for Sybase ASE Logon dialog box Type-Defect Priority-Medium
85 New connection dead, new hotkey to reconnect&execute ? Type-Defect Priority-Medium
84 New Unable to launch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
83 New Save Result Set Type-Defect Priority-Medium
82 New datepart problem Type-Defect Priority-Medium
81 New Open Procedure shortcut throwing error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
80 New Problem with very large stored procedure Type-Defect Priority-Medium
79 Done Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
78 New Table DDL shows DEFAULT along with create index command Type-Defect Priority-Medium
77 New Infinite loop when a .sql file is renamed from explorer Type-Defect Priority-Medium
76 New code completion
75 Feedback Profiles are continuing to disappear Type-Defect Priority-Medium
74 Feedback Unable to launch Type-Defect Priority-Medium
73 New From aseisql be able to save (as excel) all results tabs at once.
72 New Version 15 client compatibility Type-Defect Priority-Medium
71 New In the "Column Information" types numeric doesn't return precision
70 New Open objects located in any database.
69 Feedback In the "Execute & Export to SQL" put the create table Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
68 Feedback Check if there are permits for "Create Procedure" before running the command "Drop Procedure". Type-Task
67 Feedback Sometimes modifying stored procedures does not keep object rights Type-Defect Priority-Medium
66 Fixed Export data to SLQ does not work Type-Defect Priority-Medium
65 Feedback View processes should show ip address Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
64 Fixed aseisql open file will not reopen the file while file is already opened. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 Accepted Resultset in textmode Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Usability
62 Accepted Improvements to the templates (select, insert, update). Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
61 Fixed Opening some stored procedures -- it shows scrambled Type-Defect Priority-High
60 Fixed Support for functions with the shortcut "Ctrl+Click on object". Type-Defect Priority-Low
59 Done Use a wildcard to find objects. Type-Task Priority-Low
58 Fixed Silent install options Priority-Low Type-Enhancement Usability
57 Fixed Some letters of key words do not change to uppercase. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 Accepted Inherit the color of the session. Type-Defect Priority-Low
55 Fixed Reserved words are not highlighted in new sessions. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 Fixed Open and close comments on the same line. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Fixed Integration Proxy-Tables Type-Enhancement Priority-High Milestone-Release1.0
52 Done Break the connection to the database to stop a heavy query. Type-Task Priority-Low
51 Accepted Replace tabs with spaces. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
50 Fixed Send the result set directly to a file. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
49 Postpone Move tabs. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
48 Fixed The option "Change case" does not work with accents. editor Type-Defect Priority-Low
47 New New shortcuts. Usability
46 Fixed File Modification stubs.sql. Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
45 Accepted Regular expression support in search-replace. editor Type-Enhancement
44 WontFix Show indentation when the line has no spaces or tabs. editor Type-Defect
43 Fixed Close tabs with middle button of the mouse. Usability Type-Enhancement
42 Done Icon for reconnect to the current login. Usability
41 Fixed Folding comments (expand, collapse).
40 Fixed The option (Copy Proc Exec) does not work when there are output parameters. Type-Defect Priority-Medium
39 Fixed Transact-SQL and ANSI SQL keywords Type-Defect Priority-Low
38 Duplicate --<Menu\Table DDL>-- "numeric" and "decimal"
37 Fixed --<Menu\Table DDL>-- "numeric" and "decimal"
36 Fixed Tab Space >= 2
35 Fixed @@spid Type-Enhancement
34 Done New Macro
33 Fixed user-defined functions Type-Enhancement Priority-High
32 Fixed Error when compiling procedure Type-Defect Priority-Low
31 Fixed Worspace Save/Load does not restore icon color Type-Defect Priority-Low
30 Fixed Bug: Saving to sql file while not connected to DB Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 New Ctrl+space for table.
28 Accepted Is is possible to update data from resultset tab? Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
27 WontFix More available colors Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
26 Fixed Connecting to sybase iq Type-Defect Priority-Medium
25 Fixed Refresh Grid Issue - Serv 2 Issue [trunk.92] Type-Defect Priority-Medium
24 Duplicate Sev 1 Issue with View Table DLL Trunk.92 Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 Fixed Cannot cancel the query when its running. Type-Defect Priority-Low
22 WontFix Copy All Feature enhancement.
21 Postpone Massive inserts cause 100% processor usage - w/o active process in db Type-Defect Priority-Low Performance
20 Fixed Suicide process display error with message window Type-Defect Priority-Low
19 WontFix Stored procedures having selects with a "for xml" clause Type-Defect Priority-Medium
18 Fixed Generate table DDL fail Type-Defect Priority-Medium
17 Accepted One ReslultWindow Per SPID Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
16 Accepted Can we also have a graphical query plan Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
15 Accepted Can we see the table and primary keys, unique keys Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
14 Fixed Connection profiles management Type-Defect Priority-Medium Maintainability
13 WontFix Mouse Right Button... Exsecute Option Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
12 Fixed SQL History window is not shown form a Result tab Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 Invalid Sybase odbc driver 12.5 error Type-Task Priority-Low
10 WontFix Allow to save into a file the information shown in the Log window Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability
9 Fixed Format SQL Error Type-Defect Priority-Medium
8 Fixed History Tab Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
7 Done Object Browser Search Type-Task Priority-Medium
6 Fixed Allow to set alias name for a connection Type-Defect Priority-Medium Usability
5 Postpone Pop up menus not displaying on secondary monitors Type-Defect Priority-Low
4 Fixed Table DDL command errors Type-Defect Priority-Medium
3 New More DBA like functions Type-Enhancement Priority-Low Usability
2 Accepted Query windows Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
1 Invalid Cut and Paste Type-Enhancement Priority-Low