
ID Status Summary
75 Verified ErrorHandler actors terminate too quickly in thread-based executions of models with loops Type-Defect Priority-High Component-Logic
74 Verified Merge Passerelle@Google trunk with DAWN trunk passerelle bundles Type-Other Priority-High OpSys-All Maintainability
73 Done Integrate separate passerelle eclipse resources bundle as done in DAWN Type-Enhancement Priority-High OpSys-All Maintainability
72 Verified Actors with multiple pull input ports do not behave well in ET domain Type-Defect Priority-Medium
71 Done Passerelle process model : Add support for storing raw data Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
70 Accepted Implement alternative in ApplicationActionBarAdvisor for using internal eclipse classes Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Maintainability
69 Verified Update org.apache.commons.httpclient in com.isencia.passerelle.engine Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
68 Fixed FileSenderChannel with specific character encoding does not work in append mode Type-Defect Priority-Medium
67 Fixed Add a new FileWriter actor Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
66 WontFix Add a new 'Start' source actor Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
65 Fixed Modifications of ActorEditPart Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
64 Fixed Synchonization DAWN - Passerelle Type-Defect Priority-Medium
63 Fixed Review throttling behaviour between actors in thread-based domain Type-Defect Priority-Medium
62 Started Migrate GEF-based workflow editor to Graphiti Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI Usability Maintainability OpSys-All
61 Fixed Merge of changes in DAWN into Passerelle@google Type-Defect Priority-Medium
60 Fixed File menu 'Save as' not working for workflow editor Type-Defect Priority-Medium
59 Verified Problem with fork/join actor in submodels Type-Defect Priority-High
58 Verified Memory leak caused by Ptolemy clone() problem with Director._initializables Priority-Critical Type-Defect Performance
57 Duplicate Problem with Manhattan router when using vertex Type-Defect Priority-Medium
56 Done Define a set of common runtime services for local/remote operations on Passerelle flows Priority-High Type-Enhancement OpSys-All Component-Logic Maintainability
55 Fixed Bug in opening submodels Type-Defect Priority-Medium
54 Fixed Not copy submodels to .passerelle if in workspace Type-Defect Priority-Medium
53 Duplicate Implement workflow break-points as in DAWN Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
52 Fixed Problem with default location of submodels Type-Defect Priority-Medium
51 Fixed Palette groups are always open Type-Defect Priority-Medium
50 Fixed Improve workflow run configuration (ModelRunner.txt) Type-Defect Priority-Medium
49 Fixed Support for DAWN's use of Ptolemy's WorkSpace Type-Enhancement Priority-High
48 Done Prepare Passerelle RCP workbench for v8.3 Priority-Medium Type-Task OpSys-All
47 Done Prepare for open CDMA and other data containers : Move Passerelle's process context out of the msg body Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Maintainability
46 Fixed Loading submodels via RepositoryService fails when submodel folder is changed in the workflow preferences page Priority-High Type-Defect Component-UI
45 Fixed Nested composite workflows broken Type-Defect Priority-Medium
44 Fixed Refactoring of exceptions for com.isencia.passerelle.process... to new PasserelleException & ErrorCode features Type-Enhancement Priority-High Maintainability
43 Fixed Swing HMI state not correctly reset for error in Actor.preInitialize() Type-Defect Priority-Medium
42 Fixed Add concept of "daemon" actors Type-Enhancement Priority-High
41 Fixed ClassCastException in ModelUtils when using composites Type-Defect Priority-Medium
40 Fixed Change open action for composites to separate editor instead of new tab Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
39 Fixed Swing HMI : library treeview does not refresh correctly when deleting an entry in a subfolder in the User Library Type-Defect Priority-Medium
38 Fixed Bug in the class com.isencia.passerelle.workbench.model.utils.ModelUtils Type-Defect Priority-Medium
37 Fixed Suggestion: new Actor method logInfo Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
36 Fixed Support hierarchic error handling in models Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
35 Done Reduce remaining usage of PortHandler with extra threads Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Performance OpSys-All
34 Done Changes in logging settings Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement OpSys-All Usability
33 Fixed Memory leak in Ptolemy related to SharedParameter Type-Defect Priority-High
32 Fixed Change ErrorObserver to enable automatic model termination in ET domain Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
31 Fixed MessageInputContext no longer maintains port indices Type-Defect Priority-High
30 Done Cannot connect input port in composite actor Type-Defect Priority-Medium
29 Fixed Modify MomlParser to load actors via ActorProvider services Type-Enhancement Priority-High
28 Done Provide an actor-version-control service Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
27 Verified Move initialization validation to Actor.preinitialize() Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
26 WontFix Add support for multiple sequences/groups for a message Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
25 Duplicate After opening&closing Actor Attribute dialog via actor ctxt menu, start getting widget-disposed errors Type-Defect Priority-Low
24 Fixed Out of handles exception with large models Type-Defect Priority-Medium
23 Done Split fragment in conf&help Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
22 Done Introduce consistent usage of error codes in all exception/error handling Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
21 Done Create feature projects Priority-Medium Type-Other OpSys-All Maintainability
20 WontFix Cannot create composite Type-Defect Priority-Medium
19 Fixed DAWB Buckminster build does not allow JUnit on bundle project classpath Type-Other Priority-Medium OpSys-All
18 Fixed Make migration from passerelle v5.x easier : enable loading existing models Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement Usability OpSys-All Milestone-Release1.0
17 WontFix Problem executing Type-Defect Priority-Medium OpSys-Linux
16 Done Add Bossanova batch-execution tool of Synchrotron Soleil Type-Other Priority-Medium
15 Verified Remove dependency on com.isencia.passerelle.workbench from com.isencia.passerelle.workbench.model.editor.ui Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium
14 Done Add actors of Synchrotron Soleil Type-Other Priority-Medium OpSys-All
13 Verified Adding an EDNA actor to a composite triggers an exception Type-Defect Priority-Medium
12 WontFix New composites does not appear immediately in the palette, only after restarting the workbench Type-Defect Priority-Medium
11 WontFix Enable pause/resume/stepping in the RCP Type-Enhancement Priority-High Usability
10 Started Integrate "Common Data Model" as default result representation for workflow tasks Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Standardization Component-Persistence
9 Fixed Extract configurable multi-input/multi-output support from actor base class. Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement
8 Done Merge work done in DAWB's temporarily forked Passerelle into our trunk. Priority-Medium Type-Other Maintainability Milestone-Release1.0
7 Verified Swing-based HMI : control ports do not show their names Priority-Medium Type-Defect Usability
6 Verified Model File index in list of recently used models stops at 10. Priority-Low Type-Defect Usability
5 Verified Parameters added to new version of an actor are not saved correctly when editing existing models. Priority-Medium Type-Defect Maintainability
4 Fixed Construct event-based Passerelle Domain Priority-Medium Type-Enhancement Performance
3 Done Rearrange SVN project structure : use subfolders Type-Other Priority-High Maintainability
2 Done Get Swing-based HMI working as OSGi bundle Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium Component-UI
1 New Investigate feasibility of using a standard ptolemy 8 Priority-Low Type-Other Maintainability