First look
The main program window contains of the next components: * menu * control components * informational components * playlists
You can configure interface look using Layout menu
and dragging components on the main window area.
Adding files
To start working with zxtune-qt add some files using Add files/Add folder items in File menu:
or simply drag and drop file to playlist area. They may be not only plain chiptunes, but also archives, disk images or any other files. After this zxtune-qt will start to scan specified folders for files and files for chiptunes showing the progress:
Here you can see that zxtune-qt analyzed 21 files out of 39 and analyzed 22th for 16%. While scanning you can add more files/folders using the same way.
After double click on any item in playlist playback is started and item become inverted:
While playing some of the controls become active and can be used to change playback parameters (e.g. volume and position).
Playlist contains references to all the found modules during scanning. You can operate them via Playlist item in main menu which is duplicated as a context menu on playlists' header area:
Here you can create new playlist (double click on playlists' header area is the fastest way to do that), save/load playlist to disk and perform other operations.
Standard control sequences may be used to select/unselect items (Ctrl+LClick
Clipboard operations (copy/paste/cut) may be used to copy or move items in playlist, between different playlist and even between different instances of zxtune-qt.
Also items may be dragged inside playlist to change their order.
Tooltip for any item will show brief information about location and internal attributes:
To sort items according some field just click the respective column header of the playlist table. Playlist header's context menu can be used to setup visible columns which are also can be dragged to change the order:
Context menus
There are three different context menus while working with playlist content. If there're no items selected it looks like this:
Here you can operate upon all playlist items.
If there only one item selected, context menu looks like this:
which is slightly different from context menu when more than one item is selected:
Play item
It's equivalent to double click on item or Enter
key press.
All selected items will be removed. If any of the selected item is currently played, playback will continue from the next item.
If there're no more items, playback will be stopped. This functionality is also duplicated on Del
key, but in case of single item selection next item will be selected after current removal.
This operation keeps only selected items removing the rest ones.
Group together
After this operation all selected items will be grouped together at the first item's position keeping the relative order.
Remove duplicates
Depending on selected items count this operation will change their name and meaning. In case of single selected item, all their duplicates in playlist will be removed. In case of multiple selection (or whole playlist operation) duplicates will be searched and removed upon selection (or whole playlist).
Delete unavailable
This operation will remove all unavailable items from the playlist or selected items set.
Select rip-offs
Rip-offs are two or more chiptunes which has different content, but the same significant internal information. Usually it's caused by title/author information changing. You can select all the rip-offs upon the whole playlist or select rip-offs only of the selected items.
Select items with the same type
This feature is available only if one or more items are selected. All the items of playlist with specified types will be selected.
Select found items
This feature can be used to select all the items matched specified criteria. Using search dialog you can specify search scope and mode.
Items are searched in selected items or in whole playlist if no items selected (duplicated on Ctrl+F
Copy paths
Internal identifiers of all selected items will be copied to clipboard. Warning! On some operation systems there is limitation for maximal clipboard content size.
Show statistic
Some statistic will be collected upon selected items or whole playlist:
As far as playlist contains only references to chiptunes' data (e.g. file in archive or compressed block data), it can be useful to extract that data to separate files. Using this dialog you can setup result of exporting:
First of all, target directory should be selected using browse dialog. Otherwise current directory (usually where zxtune-qt was runned) will be used instead. Then you can specify filename template using special fields where particular chiptune's attributes will be substituted. Each of the hyperlink will add their value on click and has a tooltip with detailed description. Here you can specify behaviour on already existing target files and non-existing intermediate folders while exporting.
This feature can be used to convert chiptunes to some other format. Dialog contains of the three parts. First one is used to specify target file name template. It's the same as for export functionality. Particular file extension will be added automatically.
Second part is used to specify target file format. If some of the radiobuttons are disabled, it mean that specified functionality is not available in current environment (e.g. missed libraries that usually distributed with zxtune-qt).
Third part is optional and can be used to setup some format-specific options if they are available:
Use multithread conversion checkbox enables parallel conversion and may speedup for 20..100%. On single-CPU systems this feature will be disabled.
This actions is available only for single item selected. Here you can set up some of the item's properties:
While performing some long operation (e.g. sorting, removing duplicates, exporting, converting etc) playlist is disabled and progress indicator is displayed. During this no any other operations are allowed. In case of scanning in progress, it will be suspended until long operation stop. To cancel operation click on indicator:
In case of playlist modification operation perform, playlist content will stay intact if operation is canceled.
Using the Help menu of main zxtune-qt window you can get some additional information about program or visit online resources including this manual. Check updates item is available only when network data provider component (see below) is available. Application can only download and save new package if available. Update installation should be performed manually.
Using Components item in Help menu you can get additional information about supported playback/search formats:
Or about supported sound backend used to receive rendered sound streams:
Note: all the file backends are available to perform conversion.
and source data providers:
Preferences dialog can be used to set up some of the global settings. All available fields can be changed during playback so you can hear effect immediately. All changes are applied immediately.
This sheet lets you setup AY chip clockrate and duty cycle value:
Setting up Z80 CPU clocking and INT signal parameter:
Setting up some basic sound parameters:
Here you can also setup sound subsystems' checking order and each subsystem's parameters.
Two different tabs for 3 and 4 channel mixing:
Setting up some plugins parameters. Pay attention on tooltips:
On this page you can select interface language and specify caching parameters for every playlist instance.