
Customizable CRUD, Models, Forms generator for Zend Framework 1

If you're looking for code generation tool for Zend Framework 2, go to http://code.google.com/p/zodeken2/

Core features of Zodeken - code generator for Zend Framework 1 * CRUD actions for Admin-end. This is a repeated task of every website development. It’s extremely boring. A code generator can reduce much of copying and pasting of controllers, forms… and Zodeken did that. * Code completion. * Because Zend Framework utilizes the table gateway and row gateway patterns, Zend_Db, Zend_Db_Table and Zend_Db_Table_Row are good enough for database manipulation. Value of a row’s field can be accessed through $row->field_name. But the problem is that an IDE would not suggest any field name, Zodeken added some docblock tags to Row definition class to inform the IDE about the fields of a row, we can now start coding without remembering the field names. * By default, if we got an object of Zend_Db_Table_Rowset, we used its functions to retrieve the rows liek current(), next()… The IDE doesn’t know the type of returned object so it could not provide any suggestion about that object. Zodeken added some docblock tags to the Rowset classes for the IDE to know what type is returned. For example, calling My_Post_Rowset->current() would return My_Post_Row, the IDE would suggest all methods and properties of the My_Post_Row class. * Referenced tables. * If the category_id of the post table links to the ‘id’ field of the category table, Zodeken can detect that and add methods to the Row class to access linked classes. For example, a method like getCategoryByCategoryId() would be added to the My_Post_Row class to retrieve the My_Category_Row by the linked fields of those 2 tables. * When editing a post row, the category_id should obviously be selected from the list of categories. Zodeken would add the category list as a drop-down list to the category_id field of the form. * Form filters and validators. A form field to edit a column with the type like VARCHAR(100) should be limited to 100 characters, an ENUM/SET column should be limited to the values of the set… Zodeken can analyze the types and restrictions of the table fields to generate respective validators and filters. * zf command line integration. Zodeken is integrated into the ‘zf’ command line as a provider. Install once, run whenever you want. * Customizable output. The code generated by Zodeken can be customized via template files, this helps output files fit to your design.



Project Information

The project was created on Aug 28, 2011.

ZendFramework Generator Code CLI ZFTool Zodeken