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wxpsvg - ReadMe.wiki

Missing Features

  • Elliptical arcs (needs patches to wx)
  • Container negotiation to determine canvas size
  • Implement the viewer as a control, not a wxPanel
  • Scrolling in the viewer, with correct viewBox and canvas size support
  • Image support
  • gradient brushes (no tests for this in the w3c suite, need to find one)
  • *


element * animation * correct, standards compliant CSS parsing and cascading * Related: correct cascading of attributes * text support (needs patches to wx) * correct rounded rects (needs wx patches) * SVG DOM * the control should have some convenience methods to make hittesting convenient * Better performance (rendering is about as fast as it can be, need to optmize parsing) * Need a mechanism for retrieving URLs. * Loading needs to become async in some way, especially for the retrieval of urls.


  • Python 2.5 (2.4 may work, untested)
  • wxWidgets 2.8.4 (anythign with wxGraphicsContext should work, but newer is better)
  • pyparsing 1.4.6 (older will not work)