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wikiteam - AvailableBackups.wiki

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Available backups

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Nuvola_devices_3floppy_mount.png' alt='Download available backups' width='100px' align='right' title='Download available backups' /> WikiTeam has made a lot of wiki backups. Please, consider to download them and help to preserve all human knowledge. Here you have a list:

Most backups include the XML with the full page histories and images. You need a MediaWiki to import all the data. Read this and this to know how to import a backup.

Have you made any wiki backup? Leave a comment and a link below. You also can join to our Mirrors volunteers. Thanks!

Wiki projects offering backups

Some wiki communities offer backups of their content (usually only wikitext, not images): * Wikipedia dumps (image dumps finally too!) * Wikia dumps * Citizendium dumps (only current revision, not full histories) * Gentoo Linux Wiki dumps * OmegaWiki dumps * OSDev dumps * Wikifur dumps * RationalWiki dumps * ShoutWiki dumps