Learn to make backups using WikiTeam tools reading our NewTutorial
Available backups
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/37/Nuvola_devices_3floppy_mount.png' alt='Download available backups' width='100px' align='right' title='Download available backups' /> WikiTeam has made a lot of wiki backups. Please, consider to download them and help to preserve all human knowledge. Here you have a list:
- Downloads section at Google Code (150+ wikis)
- WikiTeam Collection at Internet Archive (15,000+ wikis) ← It is our central repository and may contain all the dumps
- Scott Boyd's server (300+ wikis)
- ShoutWiki wikifarm August 2011 backup (397 wikis)
- Wikkii wikifarm December 2011 backup (pending upload)
- Referata wikifarm (August 2013) backup
- List of wikibackups at WikiIndex
- Some wikis preserve pages deleted by Wikip/media community:
- DeletionPedia saved 62,000+ deleted pages from English Wikipedia (backup)
- PlusPedia saved 13,000+ deleted pages from German Wikipedia (backup)
- Speedy deletion Wiki preserves 140,000+ deleted pages from several wikis (backup, dumps on Internet Archive)
- Wikimedia Commons Grab (2004-2013)
- Citizendium 2012-04-15 dump (full history)
- Wikia wikifarm January 2013 backup (34,174 wikis)
- Orain.org wikifarm (August 2013) backup (16 wikis)
- We are working on many more. Do you want to help? Talk with us and join to the TaskForce.
Most backups include the XML with the full page histories and images. You need a MediaWiki to import all the data. Read this and this to know how to import a backup.
Have you made any wiki backup? Leave a comment and a link below. You also can join to our Mirrors volunteers. Thanks!
Wiki projects offering backups
Some wiki communities offer backups of their content (usually only wikitext, not images): * Wikipedia dumps (image dumps finally too!) * Wikia dumps * Citizendium dumps (only current revision, not full histories) * Gentoo Linux Wiki dumps * OmegaWiki dumps * OSDev dumps * Wikifur dumps * RationalWiki dumps * ShoutWiki dumps