
web2py Health Level 7

Fully Working Demo



THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES web2py (free download from http://web2py.com).

Authors and Copyright/Trademark Owners

Debebe Asefa

Massimo Di Pierro


This program is open source and released under the Gnu Public License version 2.0.

You can use it an modify it as long as license page is retained.

This license and not cover and does not overrides the licenses of web2py, the style files and the javascript code that is distributed with it.


This system implements 90 connected database tables which implement the Health Level 7 (HL7) specifications. These tables are: Auth User, Auth Group, Auth Membership, Auth Permission, Auth Event, Race, Religious Affiliation, Marital Status, Gender, Appointment Reason Code, Appointment Type Code, Language Ability, Language Proficiency, Contact Type, Relationship Type, Provider Role1, Provider Type, Advance Directive Type, Advance Beneficiary Notice, Social History, Health Insurance Plan, Problem Type, Adverse Event Type, Severity, Problem Status, Diagnosis Priority, No Immunization Reason, Immunization Information Source, Administered Vaccine, Drug Manufacturer, Vital Sign Result, Diagnosis Type, Body Site, Drug Admin Route, Medication Type, Medication Fill Status, Order Status, Order Control, Order Setting Type, Order Priority, Specimen Action, Specimen Risk, Specimen Collection Method, Patient Class1, Document Class, Admission Type, Admission Source, Specimen Collection Site, Procedure Type, Discharge Disposition, Result Status, Result Type, Dispense Type, Abnormal Flag, Specimen Rejection Reason, Accept Acknowledgment Type, Patient, Appointment, Language, Support, Provider, Payment Provider, Insurance Information, Subscriber Information, Guarantor Or Insurance Provider Data, Health Plan, Patient Social History, Genetic Result Values, Disease, Patient Disease Encounter, Allergy Sensitivity, Problem Events, Prescription Medication, Medication Order Information, Pregnancy, Advance Directives, Immunization, Vital Sign, Result Event Entry, Encounter, Medical Procedures, Family Member History, Plan Of Care, Clinical Research Data, Clinical Order, Specimen, Ehr Session, Patient Log, Plugin Tagging Tag, Plugin Tagging Tag Link, for a total of 653 database fields.

It is strong on securty by proving authentication, authorization and enforcing different permission requirements for Doctors, Nurses and Administrators.

It provides full audit trail for every table and record.

It provides profile pages for the doctors (with pictures), a visual appointment scheduling system, and a patient mapping using Google maps.

It implements Ajax search for ease of search and navigation.

It is highly modular and customizable according to your needs.

It runs everywhere including Windows, Mac, Linux, Amazon EC2 Cloud and the Goolge App Engine Cloud


While it works for most applications, Web2py HL7 is a work in progress. In fact we continue to constantly improve it based on users' feedback.

The table structure implements the Health Level 7 (HL7) specifications, but Web2py HL7 does not yet include an implementation of the HL7 communication protocols. This is something we are currently working on.

Feel free to contact is if you want to use or contribute to this project.

Project Information