Waze is a free, community-based traffic & navigation app - This is its unofficial Qt port
Please support this port by donating:
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=WKDDQGMS599AG&lc=IL&item_name=Waze%20Qt%20Port%20Opensource%20Project&item_number=Waze_qt¤cy_code=USD'> https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif' />
Important Note
Now that Google bought Waze, unless they hire me (damagedspline) to support this port, it is considered dead. Too many API changed between v2 & the latest v3 so some features stopped working.
- The base Waze code that is used is from the Android branch http://www.waze.com/wiki/index.php/Source_code
- The following files were modified from the original waze sources (this list is mostly for me in case of codebase upgrade):
- roadmap_gps.c
- roadmap_dbread.c
- roadmap_zlib.h
- roadmap_general_settings.c
- entry_ssd.h
- entry_ssd.c
- generic_search_dlg.c
- Realtime.c
- RealtimeAlerts.c
- RealtimeUsers.c
- generic_search.c
- update_range.c
- roadmap_address_ssd.c
- roadmap_address_tc.c
- roadmap_search.h
- ssd_text.h
- single_search_dlg.c
- roadmap_search.c
- roadmap_start.c
- roadmap_res.c
- roadmap_screen.c
- roadmap_screen.h
- roadmap_browser.c
- roadmap_browser.h
- string_parser.c
- single_search_dlg.c
- roadmap.h
- roadmap_option.c
- roadmap_urlschema.c
- roadmap_nmea.c
- roadmap_gpsd2.c
- roadmap_prompts.c
- RealtimeAlertsList.c
- roadmap_skin.c
- roadmap_lang.c
- roadmap_factory.c
- roadmap_splash.c
- roadmap_io.c
- editor_download.c
- editor_sync.c
- navigate_main.c
- roadmap_browser.c
- roadmap_download.c
- roadmap_file.h
- roadmap_login_ssd.c
- roadmap_plugin.c
- roadmap_sound.h
- roadmap_tile_manager.c
- LMap_Base.h
- RealtimeExternalPoi.c
- navigate_bar.c
- roadmap_httpcopy.c
- roadmap_net_mon.c
- roadmap_recorder.c
- roadmap_recorder_dlg.c
- roadmap_screen.c
- roadmap_welcome_wizard.c
- ssd_button.c
- ssd_container.c
- ssd_keyboard_dialog.c
- roadmap_file.h
- roadmap_net.h
- roadmap_serial.h
- The qt directory was based on the qt support from the roadmap project v1.2.1
- QtCanvas is used instead of agg/ogl
- QtMobility integration was added to allow interaction with the GPS, screensaver, etc..
- QtSql+SQLite replaces the previous SQLite tile storage & tts layer
- Missing the media files which I am not allowed to redistribute
- All of the media files (images & sounds) belong to Waze (c)
How to build and run
- Open the waze.pro file using the QtCreator
- Build to the desired platform
- To Make a package and install on your device, do a Deploy after the build
- Since I am not allowed to distribute the media files, you will have to preform the following steps:
- Get the latest Waze apk file you can find (Preferably later then Aug-11)
- Extract it using an unzipper
- In the extracted assets, copy Freemap to a new folder
- Copy the FreemapHD content into the copied Freemap directory and overwrite all files
- Execute the following line in the folder:
for i in `find ./skins -name '*.bin'`; do [ -f "`echo $i | sed 's/.bin$/.png/'`" ] || mv $i `echo $i | sed 's/.bin$/.png/'`; done for i in `find ./sound -name '*.bin'`; do [ -f "`echo $i | sed 's/.bin$/.mp3/'`" ] || mv $i `echo $i | sed 's/.bin$/.mp3/'`; done
- From this project, copy the files under waze/data to the equivalent under the Freemap directory
TODO list for the next versions (ordered by priority)
v0.0.13 - Codename: Faruk - Next release
- Network fixes
- Main UI usability fixes
v0.0.14 - Codename: Gdalia
- Rewrite the menus in QML - rethink main view UI - assisted by the community
- Add splash screen
- Some texts are cropped or missing
- Some images are missing
- Some action are hard to be done because of too small interface
v0.1.0 - Codename: Haya
- Rewrite the map as a QML Location plugin - major performance improvements
Previous Releases
31-Mar-13 - v0.0.12 - codename: "Erlich"
- Don't force ports - this will allow using the Waze site servers
- Comment the map editing feature
- Don't force full screen when running on desktop
- Start using Waze v3 icons
- Improve the main menu looks
- Add a navigate button to the main menu
- Move the exit button from the main view to the main menu
- Reorganize the buttons in the main view
- Remake the ETA bar to be specific for protrait and landscape
- Make the next street name bigger
9-Jan-13 - v0.0.11 - codename: "Djako"
- Main view layout change
- Waze sounds no longer interrupts external media players
25-Oct-12 - v0.0.10 - codename: "Coco"
- Main view layout change
- When navigating, the "Navigate" button allow navigation control
- Minimize button added
- Browser control orientation fixed
- Multitouch on Harmattan fixed
- Portrait mode added
- Rotate map buttons were added (for platforms without multitouch)
- The number of active connections has been limited to ~16
- Fix the road signs text (road shields)
- Make the map fonts bolder
8-Oct-12 - v0.0.9-45 Beta - codename: "Charlie and a Half"
- Add AMOLED Optimized theme (contribution by ginggs)
- Fix routing navigation which sometimes didn't work
- Fix several network issues
- Small performance improvements
- Added Logging settings to General Settings
- Added Qt port release version to the about screen
- Remake most of the main view in QML
- Added portrait mode
17-May-12 - v0.0.9 Alpha - codename: "Chico"
- Added 'backlight stay lit only when plugged' option
- Fixed the freeze that occured when data was transmitted, so no more 'Close application...' dialog.
- Fixed network data compression (i consider working 90% of the time better than 0% )
- Fixed adding a favorite caused crash
- Fixed pinging a wazer caused crash
- Fixed some crashes that occured when starting a new search
2-May-12 - v0.0.8 Alpha - codename: "Batito"
- Implement secured connections
- Fixed empty mood list
- Fixed empty car list
19-Apr-12 - v0.0.7 Alpha - codename: "Azriel" => new naming convention based on Burekas movie characters
- Rewrite the network layer to be based on Qt instead of kernel sockets
- Rewrite the config layer to use QSettings
- Rewrite the path+file layer to use QFile & QDir
- Fix current traffic reports list dialog - reports not visible
- Support multiuser environments (such as Linux and Windows)
- Fix low battery warning still showing when charging