
An Ultraviolent version of Moon Patrol

Originally started as an entry for the TIGSource Video Game Name Generator contest, this project has expanded into a full fledge remake.

Using C++, SDL, and OpenGL, I plan to finish this game to the point where any arcade enthusiast will instantly recognize the classic its based upon, and pick it up like they would the original.


Because Moon Patrol is a copyrighted franchise with a few stemming projects from Williams and Irem, I cannot take any credit of the concept, name, art, design, or anything to do with Moon Patrol. Therefore, this game is purely here for educational purposes, as the entire thing is Open Source.

I am also willing to describe any of the coding techniques I used in this game, including managing resources, loading levels, doing simple 2D particle engines, and displaying 2D using OpenGL hardware acceleration.

Project Information

Moon Patrol Viollent