Instructions how to install the airsensor utility on Linux.
Tested on
- Raspbian (Raspberry Pi)
- The Applied Sensors Indoor Air Monitor USB sensor, also sold as Voltcraft CO-20 at Conrad.
Install LibUSB-dev, which is needed when compiling the airsensor utility.
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-dev
Compile tempsensor from sources
Install required software
The 'build-essential' package is needed to be able to compile the source code.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
Download the source code and compile
Download the latest version from SVN trunk, no released version is packaged yet.
$ mkdir airsensor
$ cd airsensor
$ wget
Compile the source code
$ gcc -o airsensor airsensor.c -lusb
You can now execute the airsensor and see if you get readings, as seen on most Linux installations it seems that you must be root user, or then add udev rule to make the device read/write.
To run with root access
$ sudo ./airsensor -o
2013-04-28 14:55:56, VOC: 450, RESULT: OK
Without root access it will print following
$ ./airsensor -o
2013-04-28 14:55:19, Error: claim failed with error: -1
Make Udev rule
Insert a udev rule to get read/write access to the device from normal user.
Create and edit following file:
$ sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb.rules
Add following lines;
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTR{idProduct}=="2013", MODE="0666" ```
Save and reboot, now the device should be writable and give you results.
Example, without sudo
$ ./airsensor -o
2013-04-28 15:08:55, VOC: 450, RESULT: OK
Please see readme for more usage instructions
Error: claim failed with error: -1
If you get following issue when running air sensor:
$ ./airsensor -o
2013-04-28 14:55:19, Error: claim failed with error: -1
It means that you have no access to the USB device, two solutions;
a) use sudo, eg "sudo ./airsensor"
b) create the udev rule as above