Tweet4j aims to be a comprehensive, efficient Java interface for the Twitter REST and Search API's. Right now the public API (no user authentication) has been implemented, and 80% of the authentication based API (User API) has been implemented with development continuing on the project to finish implementing the user based API and implement the search API.
updated 8/1/2009
I've made available for download the 0.4 version of the library, which implements the REST API, and the Search API. More documentation to follow
Download the latest JAR @: http://code.google.com/p/tweet4j/downloads/
Support for API methods that don't require user authentication: ``` // creating a REST API client RestApi restApi = new RestApiClient();
// retrieving the public timeline List publicTimeline = restApi.getPublicTimeline();
// retrieving a publicly available user User user = restApi.getUser(userId); ```
Support for most user authenticated API methods (profile-related methods still in development): ``` // creating an authentication for a user Authentication auth = new Authentication(username, password);
// updating a user's status Status status = restApi.updateStatus(auth, "I wrote a twitter library and all I got was this stupid T-shirt?"); Status destroyedStatus = restApi.destroyStatus(auth, status.getId());
// getting a list of the user's followers List followers = restApi.getFollowers(auth); ```
Search API
Support for the Search API, you can execute a string based search: ``` // create a Search API client SearchApi searchApi = new SearchApiClient();
// get current trends List trends = searchApi.getCurrentTrends();
// execute a twitter search String queryString = "twitter api"; SearchResponse response = searchApi.search(queryString); List results = response.getResults(); SearchResult firstResult = results.get(0); String statusText = firstResult.getText(); ```
Or you can create a SearchQuery object to execute:
SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("twitter api").fromUser("twitterapi");
SearchResult firstResult = searchApi.search(query).getResults().get(0);
- Implementing the User API (90% done, updating profile methods outstanding)
- Adding more source files
- Improving Documentation, Wiki Pages, JavaDoc
- Adding Maven Distribution Support
- Adding support for different formats (JSON, RSS?, ATOM?)
- More meaningful exceptions
This JAR is dependent upon the following JAR's (and their dependencies, etc.) at runtime:
- 0.5 release - mavenized release + minor fixes
Change Log
- 08.02.2009 - 0.4 jar uploaded with REST and Search API's fully implemented.
- 02.05.2009 - 0.3 jar uploaded with new social graph methods included.
- 01.20.2009 - 0.2 jar uploaded with 90% of UserApi implemented.
- 01.18.2009 - Project created, 0.1 jar uploaded, with PublicApi methods implemented.