
A Texas Hold'em poker game written in Java

Texas Hold'em in Java

This project has been created as a platform to experiment with a Texas Hold'em poker game in Java.


  1. Clean Texas Hold'em poker engine in Java.
  2. Single-player game with bots and a Swing GUI
  3. Multi-player game (client/server) with optional bots and a Swing GUI
  4. Platform for experimenting with bots, letting them play against each other


The Fixed-Limit and No-Limit implementations with a Swing GUI and basic bots are complete! Next will be a network game (client/server architecture) and bot arena.

If you like this project or have any questions please mail me. For bug reports or feature requests please create an issue. Your input is highly appreciated!

| Part | Progress | |:---------|:-------------| | Basics (card, deck, hand, hand evalutor, table, player) | COMPLETED | | Fixed Limit game engine | COMPLETED | | No Limit game engine | COMPLETED | | Client interface | COMPLETED | | Swing GUI | COMPLETED | | Basic bot | 30 % | | Network game | 10 % |


This Java project has a Maven structure.

Recommended tools are Eclipse with the Subversive and m2eclipse plugins.


This project is under construction. Use at your own risk!

This project is created only because of my love for Java and my interest in the game of poker. As a Christian, I strongly oppose to any form of gambling, as I believe it eventually leads to a path of greed, destruction and suffering.

Project Information

TexasHoldem poker cards game Java Swing bot AI