TalkMyPhone is moving to GtalkSMS (see the mailing list)
This android application aims at enabling you to control your phone through gtalk. It can be useful for those who prefer typing sms on a real keyboard.
<wiki:gadget url="http://www.ohloh.net/p/485105/widgets/project_thin_badge.xml" height="36" border="0"/>
This application opens a gtalk conversation with you and: * forwards you the incoming sms * notifies you about incoming calls * notifies you about battery state
With simple commands, you get the ability to
* reply to the incoming sms (using "reply:<message>
* send sms (using "sms:<contact>
" - contact can be a name or a phone number)
* read last 5 sms from a contact (using "sms:<contact>
" with no argument)
Additionnal useful commands are provided, and you can:
* make you phone ring in case you loose it (using "ring")
* geolocalize your phone - it will send you google maps links (using "where")
* copy text to the keyboard (using "copy:<text>
* get information about a contact (using "contact:<contact>
* open any url (just paste it in the conversation)
* get help, using '?'
The changelog is here. Use the bug-tracker for feature requests/bugs. Use the mailing list for asking for help.
Method 1 : For the lazy, using your existing gmail address
- Address to notify: enter you gmail address
- Use a different account: leave unchecked
- Password: enter your gmail password
TalkMyphone will connect to Jabber using your gmail account and it will appear as if you're receiving messages from yourself. This method has a drawback: since gtalk doesn't let you have conversations with yourself, you will have to do it from a chat client like Pidgin (just add yourself to your contacts).
Method 2 : Using a jabber account specially created for your phone
- Go to https://register.jabber.org/ and create an account.
- Using a chat client , set the jabber account to be friend with your gtalk account and check that the accounts can talk to each other in a two-way conversation (tip #1: There are web-based clients, use them at your own risk - tip #2: with Pidgin, you can modify the jabber nickname so that it will appear in a nice way to your gmail account).
- Then, you can configure the phone:
- Address to notify enter you gmail address
- Use a different account check the option
- Login enter the jabber login
- Password enter the jabber password
- In Additional settings:
- Server host: jabber.org
- Server port: 5222
- Service name: jabber.org
TalkMyphone will connect to Jabber using its own account and you will be able to reach it from the web-based gtalk like a regular contact.
Download on the market
TalkMyPhone was initially written by Christophe-Marie Duquesne (joined by other developers).
If you like this app, you can thank with a donation. Please specify the way you want to appear in the donors list. Market users will appear as "anonymous donor".
Project Information
- License: GNU Lesser GPL
- 222 stars
- hg-based source control