Sublight is a powerfull searching tool for subtitles. http://www.subtitles-on.net/
In the other hand http://www.subdivx.com is very visited portal for spanish subtitles.
This is a plugin to connect to subdivx.com from Sublight platform.
- Install last release of sublight .
- Download last release of subdivxlight .
- Unzip it on "C:\Program Files\Sublight\Plugins"
- Install 7zip and copy 7z.dll on "C:\Program Files\Sublight\Plugins"
- Run sublight ( or restart )
- Setting->Subtitles from other sources
- Check SubDivx
- Search your subtitle
Note: The sublight 1.0.2 version, does not work with plugins. I test with 1.0.3
Thanks to this projects.
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/DLL/cs_interface_7zip.aspx?display=PrintAll
- http://www.subdivx.com
- http://www.7-zip.org/
- http://www.subtitles-on.net/
If you think this project affect you in any way, please don't sue me.
Just warn me.
Thank you!
Project Information
- License: GNU GPL v2
- 2 stars
- svn-based source control